(RULE 14A-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                                (AMENDMENT NO. )

Filed by the Registrant |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|_|   Preliminary Proxy Statement
|X|   Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|   Definitive Additional Materials
|_|   Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-12



Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|   No fee required.

|_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


      (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


      (3)   Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
            pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


      (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


      (5)   Total fee paid:


|_|   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

|_|   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1)   Amount previously paid:


      (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


      (3)   Filing Party:


      (4)   Date Filed:


                       1350 AVENUE OF AMERICAS, 29TH FLOOR
                               NEW YORK, NY 10019
                                 (212) 557-9000

                                                               February 28, 2005

Dear Shareholder:

      Brainstorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc.  will hold a Special  Meeting  of its
shareholders  on March 28, 2005  beginning at 10:00 a.m., New York City time, at
the offices of the Company,  1350 Avenue of Americas,  29th Floor,  New York, NY
10019.  We look  forward  to your  attending  either in person or by proxy.  The
enclosed  notice of meeting,  the proxy  statement,  and the proxy card from the
Board of Directors describe the matters to be acted upon at the meeting.

      This  meeting  will  be  a  business   meeting  only  with  no  additional
presentations.  The agenda for the  meeting  includes a proposal  regarding  the
authorization  of the  Company's  2004 Global  Share  Option Plan and a proposal
regarding  the  authorization  of the  Company's  2005  U.S.  Stock  Option  and
Incentive  Plan.  Each  proposal  also  includes the  reservation  of a total of
9,143,462  shares of our Common  Stock for issuance  under these two plans.  The
Board of Directors  recommends that you vote FOR the  authorization  of the 2004
Global Share Option Plan,  the  authorization  of the 2005 U.S. Stock Option and
Incentive Plan and the  reservation of 9,143,462  shares of our Common Stock for
issuance under these two plans.

      Please refer to the enclosed proxy  statement for detailed  information on
the proposals.  Your vote is important.  Whether or not you expect to attend the
meeting, your shares should be represented.  Therefore, we urge you to complete,
sign, date and promptly return the enclosed proxy card.

      On  behalf  of the  Board of  Directors,  we  would  like to  express  our
appreciation for your continued interest in our company.

                                           Sincerely yours,

                                           /s/ Yaffa Beck

                                           DR. YAFFA BECK
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer

                       1350 AVENUE OF AMERICAS, 29TH FLOOR
                               NEW YORK, NY 10019
                                 (212) 557-9000




                            TO BE HELD MARCH 28, 2005

To Shareholders of Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.:

      The Special Meeting of Shareholders of Brainstorm Cell  Therapeutics  Inc.
will be held on March 28, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., New York City time, at the offices
of the Company, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, 29th Floor, New York, NY 10019, for
the following purposes:

      1.    To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the 2004 Global Share
            Option Plan and the  reservation  of a total of 9,143,462  shares of
            our Common Stock for issuance under the Global Share Option Plan and
            the U.S. Stock Option and Incentive Plan.

      2.    To consider  and act upon a proposal to approve the 2005 U.S.  Stock
            Option  and  Incentive  Plan  and  the  reservation  of a  total  of
            9,143,462  shares of our Common Stock for issuance  under the Global
            Share Option Plan and the U.S. Stock Option and Incentive Plan.

      The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of business  on February  24,
2005 as the record date for the meeting. All shareholders of record on that date
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.


                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Yoram Drucker

                                              YORAM DRUCKER

New York, New York
February 28, 2005


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

      This proxy statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors of  Brainstorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc.  (the
"Company") for use at the Special  Meeting of  shareholders  to be held on March
28,  2005,  at the time and place set  forth in the  accompanying  notice of the
meeting, and at any adjournments or postponements  thereof. The approximate date
on which  this  proxy  statement  and  form of proxy  are  first  being  sent to
shareholders is on or about February 28, 2005.

      The Company's  principal  executive  offices are located at 1350 Avenue of
Americas, New York, New York 10019, telephone number (212) 557-9000.



            PLAN (AS DEFINED BELOW).

            PLAN (THE "U.S.  PLAN") AND THE  RESERVATION OF A TOTAL OF 9,143,462
            THE U.S. PLAN.

      Any person giving the enclosed form of proxy has the power to revoke it by
voting in person at the meeting, by giving a duly executed proxy bearing a later
date or by giving  written  notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Company
any time before the proxy is exercised.  A shareholder  of record  attending the
meeting may vote in person whether or not a proxy has been previously given, but
the presence,  without further action,  of a shareholder at the meeting will not
constitute revocation of a previously given proxy.

                            QUORUM AND REQUIRED VOTE

The  holders of  one-third  in interest  of all shares of Common  Stock  issued,
outstanding  and  entitled to vote are required to be present in person or to be
represented  by proxy at the  meeting  in order to  constitute  a quorum for the
transaction  of business.  The proposal to authorize the Global Plan and reserve
9,143,462  shares of our Common  Stock,  and the proposal to authorize  the 2005
U.S. Stock Option and Incentive Plan and reserve  9,143,462 shares of our Common
Stock, each requires the affirmative vote of a majority of voting shares present
in person or represented by proxy at the meeting (following the determination of
a quorum).  Abstentions  are counted as present for the purposes of  determining
the existence of a quorum for the transaction of business. However, for purposes
of determining the number of shares voting on a particular proposal, abstentions
are not counted as votes cast or shares voting.  Holders of 13,979,595 shares of
the Company's  Common  Stock,  representing  67.0% of the  Company's  issued and
outstanding   shares,   have  entered  into  a  voting  agreement  (the  "Voting
Agreement"),  pursuant to which such shareholders appointed the Company, through
its Board of Directors,  as their  irrevocable  proxy to vote on their behalf on
any matters  relating to the adoption and approval of any plan pursuant to which
the Company may issue  shares of Common  Stock or other  securities  convertible
into its Common Stock at this meeting.  In accordance with the Voting Agreement,
the Board of  Directors  will,  at the  Special  Meeting to be held on March 28,
2005, vote such shares in favor of the proposals set forth herein.


      Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on February 24, 2005
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the  meeting.  At the close of business
on that date,  there were  20,867,808  shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  and
entitled to vote. Each outstanding  share of the Company's Common Stock entitles
the record holder to cast one (1) vote for each matter to be voted upon.



      There will be  presented  at the  meeting a proposal  to approve  the 2004
Global  Share  Option Plan (the  "Global  Plan") as well as the  reservation  of
9,143,462  shares of our Common Stock.  The total number of shares of our Common
Stock to be  reserved  under the Global Plan will also be  available  for awards
granted under the Company's 2005 U.S. Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "U.S.
Plan"),  which is described in the following proposal,  and any grants or awards
under one plan will reduce the number of shares  available  for grants or awards
under the other plan,  so that the combined  total  number of shares  subject to
grants  or awards  under  the  Global  Plan and the U.S.  Plan  will not  exceed
9,143,462 shares of our Common Stock.

      The Global Plan and the  reservation  of such shares were  approved by the
Board of  Directors  on  November  25,  2004,  subject  to the  approval  of the
Company's stockholders. On February 24, 2005, in connection with its adoption of
the U.S.  Plan the Board  amended  the Global  Plan to  provide  that any awards
granted  under the Global Plan and the U.S. Plan will reduce the total number of
shares  available  for future  issuance  under each  plan.  Based  solely on the
closing  price  of the  Common  Stock as  reported  by the OTC BB on the NASD on
February 23, 2005, the maximum  aggregate  market value of the Common Stock that
could  potentially  be issued under the Global Plan is  $22,858,655.  The shares
issued by the  Company  under the Global  Plan may be  authorized  but  unissued
shares, or shares  reacquired by the Company.  To the extent that shares subject
to an outstanding award under the U.S. Plan or the Global Plan are not issued or
delivered by reason of the expiration, termination,  cancellation, or forfeiture
of such award or by reason of the  delivery of shares to pay all or a portion of
the exercise price of an award, if any, or the delivery of shares to satisfy all
or a portion of the tax withholding  obligations relating to an award, then such
shares shall again be available under the U.S. and Global Plans.


      The Board of Directors  believes that stock options and other  stock-based
incentive  awards can play an  important  role in the  success of the Company by
providing  an  incentive  to retain  in the  employ of the  Company  persons  of
training,   experience  and  ability;   attracting  new  employees,   directors,
consultants and service providers; encouraging a sense of proprietorship of such
persons and  stimulating  the active interest in such persons in the development
and financial  success of the Company by providing  them with  opportunities  to
receive stock-based awards in the Company.  Accordingly,  the Board of Directors
has voted, subject to Stockholder approval, to adopt the Global Plan.



      The  following  description  of  certain  features  of  the  Global  Plan,
including  Appendix  A thereto  related to  participants  who are  residents  of
Israel,  is  intended to be a summary  only.  The  summary is  qualified  in its
entirety by the full text of the Global Plan and  Appendix A thereto,  which are
attached hereto as EXHIBIT A.

      Set forth below is a summary of principal provisions of the Global Plan as
well as of  Appendix A thereto  which  applies  solely to  participants  who are
residents  of the State of Israel or those who are deemed to be residents of the
State of Israel for the payment of tax (the "Israeli Appendix").

      Administration. To date the Global Plan has been administered by the Board
of Directors. The Board may, however,  delegate its powers under the Global Plan
to a compensation  committee of the Board (the  "Compensation  Committee") which
shall consist of at least two (2) members of the  Company's  Board of Directors.
Notwithstanding, the Board shall automatically have residual authority (i) if no
committee shall be constituted, (ii) with respect to rights not delegated by the
Board to the Committee,  or (iii) if the  Compensation  Committee shall cease to
operate for any reason whatsoever.

      Participation.  The Global Plan  provides  that the persons  eligible  for
participation  in the Plan shall include  employees,  directors,  and/or service
providers such as consultant, or adviser of the Company or any affiliate, or any
other  person who is not an  employee  (also  referred to as  non-employee).  In
determining the  eligibility of an individual to be granted options  pursuant to
the Plan, as well as in  determining  the number of options to be granted to any
individual,  the  Board  of  Directors  takes  into  account  the  position  and
responsibilities of the individual being considered, the nature and value to the
Company or its subsidiaries of the individual's service and accomplishments, his
or her present and potential  contribution  to the success of the Company or its
subsidiaries,  and such other factors as the Board of Directors  deems relevant.
The number of individuals potentially eligible to participate in the Global Plan
currently includes three officers,  two employees,  two scientific  consultants,
two non-employee directors and an indeterminate number of additional consultants
and service providers of the Company.

      Terms and Provisions of Options. Options granted under the Global Plan are
exercisable  at such times and during  such period as is set forth in the option
agreement, and shall terminate upon the earlier of (i) the date set forth in the
option agreement,  (ii) the expiration of ten (10) years from the date of grant,
or (iii) the  expiration  of any extended  period in any of the events set forth
below. The option agreement may contain such provisions and conditions as may be
determined by the  Compensation  Committee.  The Option  exercise price for each
share subject to an Option shall be determined by the Compensation  Committee in
its sole and absolute  discretion in accordance with applicable law,  subject to
any guidelines as may be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.
The  exercise  price  shall be payable  upon the  exercise of an Option in cash,
check, or wire transfer.

      An Option or any right with respect thereto of any optionee to exercise an
Option granted under the Global Plan is not assignable or transferable,  nor may
it be given as collateral  nor may any right with respect  thereto be given to a
third  party  whatsoever,  other  than  by  will  or the  laws  of  descent  and
distribution,  or as  specifically  otherwise  allowed  under the  Global  Plan.
Moreover,  during the lifetime of the optionee,  each and all of such optionee's
rights to purchase shares under the Global Plan shall be exercisable only by the

      In the event of a  termination  of optionee's  employment or service,  all
Options granted to such optionee shall immediately  expire.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing and unless otherwise determined in the optionee's option agreement, an
Option  may be  exercised  after  the date of  termination  as  follows:  If the
termination is without cause, the unexpired vested Options still in force may be
exercised  within  a  period  of  three  (3)  months  after  the  date  of  such
termination.  If such  termination  of  employment  is the  result  of  death or
disability,  the vested unexpired Options still in force may be exercised within
a  period  of  twelve  (12)  months  after  such  date of  termination.  If such
termination of employment or service is for cause,  any outstanding  unexercised
Option will  immediately  expire and terminate,  and the optionee shall not have
any right in respect thereof.  In no event shall an option be exercisable  after
the date upon which it expires by its terms. The Compensation  Committee has the
authority  to extend  the term of all or part of the vested  Options  beyond the
date of such  termination for a period not to exceed the period during which the
Options by their terms would otherwise have been exercisable.

      Merger; Acquisition;  Reorganization. The Global Plan provides that in the
event of a merger, acquisition, or reorganization of the Company or in the event
of a sale of all or substantially  all of the assets or shares of the Company to
another entity (a  "Transaction")  the  unexercised  Options shall be assumed or
substituted for an appropriate number of shares of each class of shares or other
securities  of the  successor  corporation  (or a parent  or  subsidiary  of the
successor corporation) as were distributed to the shareholders of the Company in
connection  with  the  Transaction.  In  the  case  of  such  assumption  and/or
substitution of Options,  appropriate  adjustments shall be made to the exercise
price so as to reflect  such  Option and all other terms and  conditions  of the
option  agreements,  all  subject  to  the  determination  of  the  Compensation
Committee or the Board of Directors,  which determination shall be in their sole
discretion  and final.  The Global Plan further  provides that in the event that
the outstanding  shares shall at any time be changed or exchanged by declaration
of a share  dividend  (bonus  shares),  share  split  or  reverse  share  split,
combination or exchange of shares, recapitilization,  or any other like event by
or of the Company,  and as often as the same shall occur, then the number, class
and  kind of  shares  subject  to the  Global  Plan or  subject  to any  Options
theretofore  granted,  and the  exercise  prices,  shall  be  appropriately  and
equitably adjusted so as to maintain the proportionate  number of shares without
changing the aggregate  exercise price,  provided,  however,  that no adjustment
shall  be  made  by  reason  of  the  distribution  of  subscription  rights  on
outstanding  shares.  Upon the  occurrence  of any of the  above,  the class and
aggregate  number of shares issuable  pursuant to the Global Plan, in respect of
which Options have not yet been exercised, shall be appropriately adjusted.

      The Board of Directors or the  Compensation  Committee shall also have the
power to determine  that in certain  option  agreements  there shall be a clause
instructing  that if in any Transaction the successor  corporation (or parent or
subsidiary of the successor  corporation) does not agree to assume or substitute
the Options,  the vesting dates of  outstanding  Options shall be accelerated so
that any unvested  Option or any portion  thereof  shall be  immediately  vested
prior to the effective date of the Transaction.

      Upon voluntary  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the Company,  the Company
shall  immediately  notify all  unexercised  Option  holders  of such  voluntary
liquidation,  and the Option  holders  shall then have ten (10) days to exercise
any unexercised vested Options held by them at that time. Upon the expiration of
such  ten-days  period,  all  remaining   outstanding   Options  will  terminate

      Termination and Amendment. Unless sooner terminated, the Global Plan shall
terminate  ten (10) years from  November  25,  2004,  the date upon which it was
adopted  by the  Board of  Directors.  The  Board of  Directors  may at any time
terminate or suspend the Global Plan or make such  modification  or amendment as
it deems advisable; provided, however, that no amendment, alteration, suspension
or  termination  of the Plan shall  impair the  rights of any  optionee,  unless
mutually  agreed  otherwise by the optionee and the Company.  Termination of the
Global  Plan  prior to the  termination  date  shall  not  affect  the  Board of
Director's  ability to exercise the powers granted to it thereunder with respect
to  Options  granted  under the Global  Plan  prior to the date of such  earlier
termination. The Company shall obtain the approval of the Company's shareholders
for amendment to the Global Plan if shareholders' approval is required under any
applicable law, or if shareholders'  approval is required by any authority or by
any governmental agencies or national securities exchanges.


      Section 102 of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance  (New  Version),  1961, as
amended  (the  "Section  102";  "Tax  Ordinance",  respectively)  shall apply to
allocation of Options and/or shares to employees, including directors and office
holders, but excluding controlling  shareholders (as defined in Section 32(9) of
the Ordinance) (the "Employees").  Options granted under the amended Section 102
may be classified as Approved 102 Option to be held by a trustee for the benefit
of the  Employees  for such  period of time as  required  by Section  102 or any
regulations,   rules  or  orders  or  procedures   promulgated  thereunder  (the
"Trustee"; "Holding Period",  respectively) or as Unapproved 102 Option, without
a trustee.  The Trustee is an  individual  who is  appointed  by the Company and
approved by the Israeli Tax  Authorities.  Under the trustee track,  the trustee
may not release any shares  allocated  or issued upon  exercise of Approved  102
Options prior to the full payment of  optionee's  tax  liabilities  arising from
Approved 102 Options  which were  granted to him and/or any shares  allocated or
issued upon exercise of such  Options.  With respect to any Approved 102 Option,
an optionee  shall not sell or release  from trust any share  received  upon the
exercise  of an  Approved  102  Option  and/or any share  received  subsequently
following any realization of rights,  including bonus shares, until the lapse of
the Holding  Period  described  above.  If any such sale or release  shall occur
during the Holding Period the sanctions  under Section 102 shall apply and shall
be borne by such  optionee.  Approved  102 Options may either be  classified  as
"ordinary income option" or "capital gains option".  The  classification  of the
type of options as "ordinary  income option" or "capital gain option" depends on
the election made by the Company  prior to the date of grant,  and obligates the
Company to grant such type of option to all of its Employees for a period of one
year following the year during which options were first granted.

      We have chosen to grant  Options to our  Employees as Approved 102 Options
under the capital gain track.  Such  election was  appropriately  filed with the
Israeli tax authorities  before the grant of an Approved 102 Option.  Under such
track, the Employee will realize a capital gain upon the sale of shares received
following  the  exercise  of such  options or upon  release of such  shares from
trust, whichever is earlier.


      The following is a summary of the principal  United States  federal income
tax consequences that will apply to option grants under the Global Plan that are
made to any  participants in the Global Plan who are subject to U.S. tax laws as
in effect on the date of this proxy statement.  It does not describe all federal
tax consequences  under the Global Plan, nor does it describe foreign,  state or
local tax  consequences.  The  Company  does not  currently  intend to grant any
options to any such  participants  under the Global  Plan,  but may do so in the
future.  In  connection  with any such grants,  the Company may amend the Global
Plan to incorporate such changes as may be necessary to comply with U.S. federal
tax and other requirements.


      In the event that any Option  granted under the Global Plan is intended to
be designated and qualified as an "incentive stock option" as defined in Section
422 of the U.S.  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  the following tax
consequences  shall apply. Such Options are referred to as "Incentive  Options."
To  qualify  as  Incentive  Options,  Options  must  meet  certain  federal  tax
requirements,  including  a  $100,000  limit on the value of shares  subject  to
Incentive Options which first become exercisable in any one calendar year, and a
shorter  term and higher  minimum  exercise  price in the case of certain  large

      Under the Internal  Revenue  Code,  an employee  will not realize  taxable
income by reason of the grant or the  exercise  of an  Incentive  Option.  If an
employee  exercises an Incentive Option and does not dispose of the shares until
the later of (a) two years from the date the option was  granted or (b) one year
from the date the shares were  transferred to the employee,  the entire gain, if
any, realized upon disposition of such shares will be taxable to the employee as
long-term  capital gain,  and the Company will not be entitled to any deduction.
If an employee disposes of the shares within such one-year or two-year period in
a manner so as to violate  the holding  period  requirements  (a  "disqualifying
disposition"),  the employee  generally will realize ordinary income in the year
of disposition,  and the Company will receive a corresponding  deduction,  in an
amount equal to the excess of (1) the lesser of (x) the amount, if any, realized
on the  disposition  and (y) the fair market value of the shares on the date the
option was exercised over (2) the option price.  Any additional gain realized on
the  disposition  of the shares  acquired  upon  exercise  of the option will be
long-term  or  short-term  capital  gain  and  any  loss  will be  long-term  or
short-term  capital loss depending upon the holding period for such shares.  The
employee  will be  considered  to  have  disposed  of his  shares  if he  sells,
exchanges,  makes a gift of or  transfers  legal title to the shares  (except by
pledge or by transfer  on death).  If the  disposition  of shares is by gift and
violates the holding period requirements,  the amount of the employee's ordinary
income (and the  Company's  deduction)  is equal to the fair market value of the
shares on the date of exercise less the option price.  If the  disposition is by
sale or exchange,  the  employee's  tax basis will equal the amount paid for the
shares  plus any  ordinary  income  realized  as a result  of the  disqualifying
distribution.  The exercise of an  Incentive  Option may subject the employee to
the  alternative  minimum  tax. An optionee  will not have any  additional  FICA
(Social Security) taxes upon exercise of an incentive option.

      Special  rules apply if an employee  surrenders  shares of Common Stock in
payment of the exercise price of his Incentive Option.

      An  Incentive  Option that is  exercised  by an  employee  more than three
months  after  an  employee's   employment  terminates  will  be  treated  as  a
Non-Qualified Option for federal income tax purposes. In the case of an employee
who is disabled,  the three-month period is extended to one year and in the case
of an employee who dies, the three-month employment rule does not apply.


      With  respect  to  Options  granted  under  the  Global  Plan that are not
Incentive Options,  the following tax consequences shall apply. Such Options are
referred to as "Non-Qualified Options."

      There are no federal income tax  consequences  to either the optionee,  or
the  Company  on the  grant of a  Non-Qualified  Option.  On the  exercise  of a
Non-Qualified  Option,  the  optionee  (except as  described  below) has taxable
ordinary income equal to the excess of the fair market value of the Common Stock
received  on the  exercise  date  over  the  option  price  of the  shares.  The
optionee's  tax basis for the shares  acquired upon exercise of a  Non-Qualified
Option is increased by the amount of such  taxable  income.  The Company will be
entitled to a federal  income tax  deduction  in an amount equal to such excess.
Upon the sale of the shares acquired by exercise of a Non-Qualified  Option, the
optionee  will realize  long-term or short-term  capital gain or loss  depending
upon his or her holding period for such shares. Upon exercise, the optionee will
also be subject to FICA  taxes on the excess of the fair  market  value over the
exercise price of the option.

      Special  rules apply if an optionee  surrenders  shares of Common Stock in
payment of the exercise price of a Non-Qualified Option.


      The  vesting of any  portion of any award that is  accelerated  due to the
occurrence  of a change of  control  may cause a portion  of the  payments  with
respect  to such  accelerated  award to be treated as  "parachute  payments"  as
defined  in the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  Any such  parachute  payments  may be
non-deductible  to the  Company,  in  whole  or in  part,  and may  subject  the
recipient to a  non-deductible  20% federal excise tax on all or portion of such
payment (in addition to other taxes ordinarily payable).


      As a result of Section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code, the Company's
federal tax  deduction  for certain  awards under the Plan may be limited to the
extent  that the  Chief  Executive  Officer  or other  executive  officer  whose
compensation  is  required to be  reported  in the  summary  compensation  table
receives compensation (other than  performance-based  compensation) in excess of
$1 million a year.


      It is not possible to state the persons who will receive options or awards
under the Global Plan in the future,  nor the amount of options or awards  which
will be granted thereunder because these grants are subject to the discretion of
the  Compensation  Committee.  The following  table  provides  information  with
respect to options  granted or which the Company is obligated to grant under the
Global Plan.

                                                            STOCK      EXERCISE
NAME AND POSITION                                          OPTIONS       PRICE
-----------------                                          -------       -----
Dr. Yaffa Beck, President and CEO (1)                    1,828,692      $0.15
Yoram Drucker, Chief Operating Officer (1)                 685,760      $0.15
David Stolick, Chief Financial Officer (2)                 400,000      $0.75
All executive officers as a group                        2,914,452   $0.15-$0.75


(1)   Granted on December 31, 2004.

(2)   To be granted pursuant to the employment  agreement dated January 15, 2005
      between the Company and Mr. David  Stolick,  pursuant to which Mr. Stolick
      became the Company's Chief Financial Officer effective  February 13, 2005,
      the Company has agreed to grant Mr.  Stolick  Options to purchase  400,000
      shares of the Company's Common Stock at an exercise price of $0.75 each.

      Pursuant to Dr. Beck's  employment  agreement  dated November 8, 2004 (the
"Beck Effective Date") the 1,828,692 Options granted to Dr. Beck on December 31,
2004  began  to  vest  and  become   exercisable  in  thirty-six  equal  monthly
installments from the Beck Effective Date. In addition,  two years from the Beck
Effective Date, Dr. Beck will be entitled to receive an additional  stock Option
grant to purchase the number of shares of our Common Stock that  represents  two
percent (2%) of our issued and  outstanding  share  capital as of that date at a
price  per  share of $0.15,  which  additional  Options  shall  vest and  become
exercisable in thirty-six monthly installments  commencing as of such date. Each
of these Options are/shall be exercisable by Dr. Beck for a ten (10) year period
following the Beck Effective Date, but in any case not later than four (4) years
after termination of the Agreement.  Moreover,  Dr. Beck's employment  agreement
provides that in the event that the Company  terminates  Dr.  Beck's  employment
without  cause,  or in  the  event  that  Dr.  Beck  resigns  as a  result  of a
constructive discharge or in the event of termination of employment by reason of
Dr. Beck's disability or death, all of the remaining unvested Options granted to
Dr. Beck shall vest immediately as of the notice of termination, and Dr. Beck or
her successor  shall be entitled to exercise the vested Options from the date of
such  termination  until  the  earlier  of four (4)  years  thereafter  or their
expiration date. In the event that Dr. Beck's employment is terminated by reason
of disability or death or within two (2) years of the Beck Effective  Date, only
67% of the remaining  unvested  Options shall vest immediately as of the date of
the notice of termination.  In the event that the Company  terminates Dr. Beck's
employment  with cause,  she shall be entitled to exercise the Options vested as
of the date of the notice of termination until 12 months following such date.

      Pursuant to Mr.  Drucker's  employment  agreement  dated November 16, 2004
(the " Drucker  Effective  Date") the 685,760  options granted to Mr. Drucker on
December  31,  2004 began to vest and become  exercisable  in  thirty-six  equal
monthly  installments  from  the  Drucker  Effective  Date.  These  options  are
exercisable  by Mr.  Drucker  for a ten (10) year period  following  the Drucker
Effective Date, but in any case not later than four (4) years after  termination
of the Agreement.  Moreover, Mr. Drucker's employment agreement provides that in
the event that the Company terminates Mr. Drucker's employment without cause, or
in the event that Mr. Drucker resigns as a result of a constructive discharge or
in the event of termination of employment by reason of Mr. Drucker's  disability
or death,  all of the remaining  unvested  Options  granted to Mr. Drucker shall
vest  immediately  as of the  notice  of  termination,  and Mr.  Drucker  or his
successor shall be entitled to exercise the vested Options from the date of such
termination  until the earlier of four (4) years  thereafter or their expiration
date.  In the event that Mr.  Drucker's  employment  is  terminated by reason of
disability or death or within two (2) years of the Drucker  Effective Date, only
67% of the remaining  unvested  Options shall vest immediately as of the date of
the  notice  of  termination.  In the  event  that the  Company  terminates  Mr.
Drucker's  employment  with cause,  he shall be entitled to exercise the Options
vested as of the date of the  notice of  termination  until 12 months  following
such date.



      On February 24, 2005, the Board of Directors  adopted the BrainStorm  Cell
Therapeutics  Inc. 2005 U.S. Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "U.S.  Plan"),
subject to the approval of the Company's stockholders.

      The U.S. Plan may be administered by the Board of Directors or a committee
of  not  fewer  than  two  non-employee   directors  who  are  independent  (the
"Administrator").  The Administrator,  in its discretion, may grant awards based
on the Common Stock of the Company.  Awards  under the U.S.  Plan include  stock
options (both incentive options and non-qualified  options) and restricted stock
awards. Each of these awards is described in greater detail below.

      The total  number of shares of Common  Stock that may be issued  under the
U.S.  Plan is the same pool of  9,143,462  shares of Common Stock that have been
reserved under the Global Plan. Any awards granted under the Global Plan and the
U.S. Plan will reduce the total number of shares  available for future  issuance
under each  plan.  Based  solely on the  closing  price of the  Common  Stock as
reported by the OTC BB on the NASD on February 23, 2005,  the maximum  aggregate
market value of the Common Stock that could potentially be issued under the U.S.
Plan is $22,858,655. The shares issued by the Company under the U.S. Plan may be
authorized  but unissued  shares,  or shares  reacquired by the Company.  To the
extent that shares  subject to an  outstanding  award under the U.S. Plan or the
Global  Plan  are  not  issued  or  delivered  by  reason  of  the   expiration,
termination,  cancellation,  or  forfeiture  of such  award or by  reason of the
delivery of shares to pay all or a portion of the exercise price of an award, if
any,  or the  delivery  of  shares  to  satisfy  all  or a  portion  of the  tax
withholding  obligations  relating to an award,  then such shares shall again be
available under the U.S. and Global Plans.


      The Board of Directors  believes that stock options and other  stock-based
incentive  awards can play an  important  role in the  success of the Company by
providing  an  incentive  to retain  in the  employ of the  Company  persons  of
training,   experience  and  ability;   attracting  new  employees,   directors,
consultants and service providers; encouraging a sense of proprietorship of such
persons and  stimulating  the active interest in such persons in the development
and financial  success of the Company by providing  them with  opportunities  to
receive stock-based awards in the Company.  Accordingly,  the Board of Directors
has voted, subject to Stockholder approval, to adopt the U.S. Plan.



      The following description of certain features of the U.S. Plan is intended
to be a summary only.  The summary is qualified in its entirety by the full text
of the U.S. Plan that is attached hereto as EXHIBIT B.

      U.S. Plan Administration. The Administrator has full power to select, from
among the individuals  eligible for awards,  the individuals to whom awards will
be granted, to make any combination of awards to participants,  and to determine
the specific  terms and  conditions of each award,  subject to the provisions of
the U.S. Plan.

      Eligibility and Limitations on Grants.  Persons eligible to participate in
the  U.S.  Plan  will be  those  current  or  prospective  officers,  employees,
non-employee  directors  and other key persons  (including  consultants)  of the
Company and its subsidiaries as selected from time to time by the Administrator.
An indeterminate  number of consultants and service providers of the Company are
currently  eligible to  participate  in the U.S.  Plan.  No more than  9,143,462
shares shall be issued in the form of incentive stock options.

      Stock  Options.  The U.S.  Plan  permits  the  granting  of (i) options to
purchase  Common Stock  intended to qualify as  incentive  stock  options  under
Section 422 of the Code and (ii) options that do not so qualify. Options granted
under the U.S. Plan will be non-qualified options if they (i) fail to qualify as
incentive  options,  (ii)  are  granted  to a person  not  eligible  to  receive
incentive  options under the Code, or (iii) otherwise so provide.  Non-qualified
options may be granted to any persons eligible to receive incentive options,  to
non-employee  directors and other non-employee key persons.  The option exercise
price of each option will be determined by the Administrator but may not be less
than 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.

      The term of each  option  will be fixed by the  Administrator  and may not
exceed ten years from the date of grant.  The  Administrator  will  determine at
what time or times each option may be exercised  and,  subject to the provisions
of the  U.S.  Plan,  the  period  of  time,  if any,  after  retirement,  death,
disability or termination  of employment  during which options may be exercised.
Options  may be made  exercisable  in  installments  and the  exercisability  of
options may be accelerated by the Administrator.

      Upon exercise of options,  the option  exercise price must be paid in full
either in cash or by certified or bank check or other  instrument  acceptable to
the  Administrator  or,  if  the  Administrator  so  permits,  by  delivery  (or
attestation  to the  ownership)  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  that  meet  such
requirements as may be specified by the Administrator including shares of Common
Stock that are not subject to any  restrictions  imposed by the Company and that
have been held by the optionee for at least six months or that were purchased in
the open market by the optionee.  Subject to applicable  law, the exercise price
may also be  delivered  to the  Company  by a  broker  pursuant  to  irrevocable
instructions to the broker from the optionee.

      To qualify as incentive options,  options must meet additional federal tax
requirements,  including  a  $100,000  limit on the value of shares  subject  to
incentive  options that first become  exercisable  by a  participant  in any one
calendar year, and a shorter term and higher minimum  exercise price in the case
of certain large stockholders.

      Restricted  Stock. The  Administrator  may award shares of Common Stock to
participants  subject to such conditions and  restrictions as the  Administrator
may determine.  These conditions and restrictions may include the achievement of
certain performance goals and/or continued employment with the Company through a
specified restricted period. The purchase price (if any) of shares of Restricted
Stock will be  determined by the  Administrator.  If the  performance  goals and
other  restrictions  are not attained,  the grantee will  automatically  forfeit
their awards of restricted stock to the Company.

      Tax  Withholding.  Participants  in the U.S. Plan are  responsible for the
payment of any federal, state or local taxes that the Company is required by law
to  withhold  upon any option  exercise or vesting of other  awards.  Subject to
approval by the  Administrator,  participants  may elect to have the minimum tax
withholding  obligations satisfied either by authorizing the Company to withhold
shares of Common  Stock to be issued  pursuant  to an option  exercise  or other
award,  or by  transferring to the Company shares of Common Stock having a value
equal to the amount of such taxes.

      Adjustments  for  Stock  Dividends,  Stock  Splits,  Etc.  The  U.S.  Plan
authorizes the Committee to make appropriate  adjustments to outstanding  awards
to reflect stock dividends,  stock splits and similar events.  In the event of a
merger,  consolidation,  sale of the Company or similar event, the Administrator
will make  appropriate  adjustments in the limits specified in the U.S. Plan and
to outstanding  awards.  The Administrator may also adjust outstanding awards to
take  into   consideration   material   changes  in   accounting   practices  or
extraordinary  dividends or similar events if the Administrator  determines that
such adjustments are appropriate.

      Change in Control Provisions.  The U.S. Plan provides that in the event of
a sale event (as defined in the U.S.  Plan)  resulting in a change in control of
the Company, all stock options and restricted stock awards will be appropriately
adjusted  and assumed  with the same vesting  schedule by the  successor  entity
(unless otherwise provided in the award agreement or by the  Administrator).  If
any awards are not so assumed,  the  Administrator  will provide for a period of
time before the change in control during which then  exercisable  options may be
exercised.  In  addition,  in the event of a sale  event in which the  Company's
stockholders  will receive cash  consideration,  the Company may make or provide
for a cash  payment to  participants  holding  options  equal to the  difference
between the per share cash consideration and the exercise price of the options.

      Amendments and  Termination.  The Board of Directors may at any time amend
or  discontinue  the U.S.  Plan and the  Administrator  may at any time amend or
cancel any outstanding award for the purpose of satisfying changes in the law or
for any other lawful purpose.  However, no such action may adversely affects any
rights under any outstanding award without the holder's consent.  Any amendments
that materially change the terms of the U.S. Plan, including any amendments that
increase the number of shares reserved for issuance under the U.S. Plan,  expand
the types of awards available,  materially expand the eligibility to participate
in, or materially  extend the term of, the U.S.  Plan, or materially  change the
method of  determining  fair market  value of Common  Stock,  will be subject to
approval by  stockholders.  Amendments  shall also be subject to approval by the
Company's  stockholders if and to the extent  determined by the Administrator to
be required by the Code to preserve the qualified  status of incentive  options.
In addition,  except in  connection  with a  reorganization  of the Company or a
merger or other  transaction,  the Board may not reduce the exercise price of an
outstanding  stock  option or effect  repricing of an  outstanding  stock option
through cancellation or regrants.


      The U.S. Plan will become effective upon stockholder  approval.  The Board
of Directors  adopted the U.S.  Plan on February  24, 2005.  Awards of incentive
options may be granted  under the U.S.  Plan until  February 24, 2015.  No other
awards may be granted  under the U.S.  Plan after the date that is 10 years from
the date of stockholder approval.


      No grants have been made with  respect to the shares of Common Stock to be
reserved  for  issuance  under the U.S.  Plan.  The number of shares that may be
granted  to  the  Company's  chief  executive   officer,   executive   officers,
non-employee  directors  and  non-executive  officers  under  the  U.S.  Plan is
undeterminable at this time, as such grants are subject to the discretion of the


      The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  principal   federal   income  tax
consequences  of  transactions  under the U.S.  Plan.  It does not  describe all
federal tax  consequences  under the U.S.  Plan,  nor does it describe  foreign,
state or local tax consequences.

      Incentive Options. No taxable income is generally realized by the optionee
upon the grant or exercise of an  incentive  option.  If shares of Common  Stock
issued to an optionee  pursuant to the exercise of an incentive  option are sold
or  transferred  after two years  from the date of grant and after one year from
the date of exercise,  then (i) upon sale of such shares, any amount realized in
excess of the option price (the amount paid for the shares) will be taxed to the
optionee as a long-term capital gain, and any loss sustained will be a long-term
capital  loss,  and (ii) there will be no deduction  for the Company for federal
income tax  purposes.  The exercise of an incentive  option will give rise to an
item of tax preference that may result in alternative  minimum tax liability for
the optionee.  An optionee will not have any additional  FICA (Social  Security)
taxes upon exercise of an incentive option.

      If shares of Common  Stock  acquired  upon the  exercise  of an  incentive
option are  disposed of prior to the  expiration  of the  two-year  and one-year
holding periods described above (a "disqualifying  disposition"),  generally (i)
the  optionee  will realize  ordinary  income in the year of  disposition  in an
amount  equal to the excess (if any) of the fair  market  value of the shares of
Common  Stock at exercise  (or, if less,  the amount  realized on a sale of such
shares of Common Stock) over the option price thereof, and (ii) the Company will
be  entitled  to deduct  such  amount.  Special  rules will apply where all or a
portion  of the  exercise  price of the  incentive  option is paid by  tendering
shares of Common Stock.

      If an incentive  option is exercised at a time when it no longer qualifies
for the tax treatment  described above, the option is treated as a non-qualified
option.  Generally,  an  incentive  option  will  not be  eligible  for  the tax
treatment  described  above if it is exercised more than three months  following
termination  of employment (or one year in the case of termination of employment
by reason of disability).  In the case of termination of employment by reason of
death, the three-month rule does not apply.

      Non-Qualified  Options.  With respect to  non-qualified  options under the
U.S.  Plan,  no income is  realized  by the  optionee  at the time the option is
granted. Generally (i) at exercise,  ordinary income is realized by the optionee
in an amount  equal to the  difference  between  the  option  price and the fair
market  value of the  shares of Common  Stock on the date of  exercise,  and the
Company  receives a tax deduction for the same amount,  and (ii) at disposition,
appreciation  or  depreciation  after the date of  exercise is treated as either
short-term or long-term capital gain or loss depending on how long the shares of
Common Stock have been held.  Special rules will apply where all or a portion of
the exercise price of the  non-qualified  option is paid by tendering  shares of
Common Stock. Upon exercise,  the optionee will also be subject to FICA taxes on
the excess of the fair market value over the exercise price of the option.


      The vesting of any portion of an option or other award that is accelerated
due to the occurrence of a change in control may cause a portion of the payments
with respect to such accelerated awards to be treated as "parachute payments" as
defined in the Code. Any such parachute  payments may be  non-deductible  to the
Company,  in whole or in part, and may subject the recipient to a non-deductible
20% federal excise tax on all or a portion of such payment (in addition to other
taxes ordinarily payable).


      As a result of Section  162(m) of the Code,  the  Company's  deduction for
certain  awards under the U.S.  Plan may be limited to the extent that the Chief
Executive Officer or other executive  officer whose  compensation is required to
be reported in the summary compensation table receives compensation in excess of
$1 million a year  (other than  performance-based  compensation  that  otherwise
meets the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code).


The  following  table sets  forth  information  known to us with  respect to the
beneficial  ownership of our Common  Stock as of February 24, 2005,  by (1) each
executive  officer  named in the  Summary  Compensation  Table  below,  (2) each
director,  (3) all  directors and  executive  officers as a group,  and (4) each
person (or group)  know by the Company to  beneficially  own more than 5% of our
Common  Stock.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  each of the  stockholders  can be
reached  at our  principal  executive  offices  located  at 1350  Avenue  of the
Americas, 29th Floor, New York, NY 10019.

                                                      SHARES BENEFICIALLY OWNED*
                                                      NUMBER           PERCENT
                                                      ---------        -------
Yaffa Beck (1)                                          253,985         1.2%

Yoram Drucker (2)                                       495,244         2.4

David Stolick                                                --          --

Irit Arbel (3)                                        2,300,000        11.0

Michael Ben Ari                                              --          --
All directors and executive officers
as a group (5 persons) (4)                            3,049,229        14.4

Zegal & Ross Capital (6)                              2,600,000        12.5
Basad Holdings Ltd. (7)                               1,610,000         7.7
Malcolm S. Taub (8)                                   1,350,000         6.1
Shareholder group (9)                                 6,975,244        33.3


*     Gives effect to the shares of common stock  issuable  upon the exercise of
      all  options  exercisable  within 60 days of  February  24, 2005 and other
      rights  beneficially  owned by the  indicated  stockholders  on that date.
      Beneficial  ownership is determined  in  accordance  with the rules of the
      Securities  and Exchange  Commission  and includes  voting and  investment
      power with  respect to shares.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the persons
      named in the table  have sole  voting  and sole  investment  control  with
      respect  to  all  shares  beneficially  owned.   Percentage  ownership  is
      calculated  based on shares  of our  20,867,808  shares  of  Common  Stock
      outstanding as of February 24, 2005.

(1)   Consists of currently  exercisable  options to purchase  253,985 shares of
      common stock at an exercise price of $0.15.

(2)   Consists of 400,000 shares and currently  exercisable  options to purchase
      95,244 shares of common stock at an exercise  price of $0.15.  Mr. Drucker
      is also considered to be a member of a group within the meaning of Section
      13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act (see note 9 below). The members of
      the group have not entered into any agreement relating to the acquisition,
      disposition or voting of such shares.

(3)   Dr. Arbel is also  considered to be a member of a group within the meaning
      of Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act (see note 9 below). The
      members of the group have not entered into any  agreement  relating to the
      acquisition,  disposition or voting of such shares. Dr. Arbel's address is
      6 Hadison Street, Jerusalem, Israel.

(4)   Includes: Yaffa Beck, Yoram Drucker, David Stolick, Irit Arbel and Michael
      Ben Ari.

(6)   The  principal  address  of  Zegal  & Ross  Capital  is 1748  54th  Street
      Brooklyn, New York 11204.

(7)   The principal address of Basad Holdings Ltd. is 55 Ameer Avenue Suite 9050
      Ontario Canada M6A2Z1.

(8)   Consists of a currently  exercisable  warrant to purchase 1,350,000 shares
      of common stock at an exercise price of $0.00005 per share.

(9)   Information  is based on Schedule  13Ds  received by the Company  from the
      following persons indicating  beneficial ownership of the following number
      of shares,  respectively:  Irit Arbel  (2,300,000),  Inon Barnea (40,000),
      Jonatan Berlin (300,000), Yoram Drucker (400,000), Ilan Drucker (300,000),
      Rachel Even (200,000), Gil Mastey (190,000), Iris Nehorai (700,000), Ilana
      Nehorai (750,000),  Elazar Nehorai (700,000) Osnat Reuveni (700,000), Erez
      Schwartz  (300,000).  The Schedule 13Ds indicate that (i) such persons are
      considered  to a group  within  the  meaning of  Section  13(d)(3)  of the
      Securities  Exchange  Act;  (ii) the members of the group have not entered
      into any agreement  relating to the acquisition,  disposition or voting of
      such  shares and (iii) each person has sole  voting and  dispositve  power
      with  respect  to his or  her  shares.  Information  also  includes  Yoram
      Drucker's  currently  exercisable  options to  purchase  95,244  shares of
      common stock at an exercise price of $0.15.


The following persons are the executive officers and directors of the Company:

NAME                            AGE                   POSITION
----                            ---                   --------
Dr. Yaffa Beck                  53    President, Chief Executive Officer,
                                         and Director
Yoram Drucker                   39    Chief Operating Officer
David Stolick                   39    Chief Financial Officer
Irit Arbel                      45    Director
Michael Greenfield (Ben-Ari)    45    Director

      DR.  YAFFA BECK  joined  the  Company  as our  President  and CEO and as a
director in November 2004. Before joining the Company, she was President and CEO
of VentuRx  Holdings  Ltd.,  her own  consulting  company from April 2002 to her
appointment. From May 1995 until April 2002 she was Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer of D-Pharm Ltd., a company she co-founded. Prior to 1995
she held management  positions at Orgenics Ltd. and  Biotechnology  General Ltd.
Dr. Beck serves on the Boards of several privately held life sciences  companies
and  continues  to provide  consulting  services  through  VentuRx  Holdings  to
Collagard  Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. and the Tel-Aviv University Future Technology
Development  Limited  Partnership which is an affiliate of Ramot, the technology
transfer company of Tel-Aviv University.

      MR. YORAM  DRUCKER  joined the Company as our Chief  Operating  Officer in
November  2004.  Before  joining the  Company,  Mr.  Drucker was an  independent
consultant regarding business development,  finance,  strategy,  and operations.
From 1997 to 1998, Mr. Drucker  managed a real estate  brokerage firm. From 1995
through 1996,  Mr.  Drucker  managed his own  promotion  company and created and
designed marketing and promotion  concepts for various Israeli  Companies.  From
1990 through 1995, Mr. Drucker served as manager of the production department of
one of Israel's largest diamond  factories.  Mr. Drucker also serves as director
of Pluristem Life Systems, Inc..

      MR. DAVID STOLICK joined the Company effective on February 13, 2005. Prior
to joining the Company,  Mr. Stolick was Corporate Controller of M-Systems Flash
Disk Pioneers Ltd., a NASDAQ listed  company.  From 1994 until 1995 he served as
Deputy  Controller of Electronics Line Ltd., an Israeli publicly traded Company,
and from 1991 until 1994 he was Audit  Manager at  Goldstein,  Sabbo,  and Tebet

      DR. IRIT ARBEL  joined the Company in April 2004 as a director  and as our
President and Chief Executive  Officer and held such position until she resigned
in  November  2004 in order to enable  Dr.  Beck's  appointment.  Dr.  Arbel was
President and CEO of Pluristem  Life Systems,  Inc. from 2003 to June 2004,  and
was Israeli Sales Manager of Merck,  Sharp & Dohme from 1998 to 2002.  From 1995
to 1997, Dr. Arbel served as the head of research for Hadassa-Ein Karem Hospital
in Jerusalem.

      MR.  MICHAEL  GREENFIELD  (BEN-ARI)  became a director  of the  Company in
December 2004. Mr. Greenfield (Ben-Ari) manages Evergreen Field Enterprises, his
own  consulting  company  which  her  formed  in 1997.  From  1991 to 1997,  Mr.
Greenfield (Ben-Ari) served as Vice President of Marketing at Bank Leumi.


      Dr. Yaffa Beck.  Pursuant to her  employment  agreement  dated November 8,
2004 (the "Beck Effective Date"), Dr. Beck is entitled to an initial base salary
of $8,000 per month,  which shall be increased six (6) months  subsequent to the
Beck Effective  Date to $12,000 per month.  Dr. Beck will also be entitled to an
annual bonus in connection with the achievement of milestones and/or objectives,
in each case as determined by the Board of Directors.  In addition,  within a 10
day period  following the 12 month  anniversary of the Beck Effective  Date, she
will receive an  additional  bonus as determined by the Board of Directors of at
least $50,000.

      Dr. Beck will receive the following executive  benefits:  22 vacation days
per  year,  a  manager's  insurance  policy,  contributions  to  her  continuing
education  fund, a company car and a cell phone.  Dr. Beck will also be entitled
to coverage under our Directors and Officers'  liability insurance policy and to
a written  undertaking  from the Company and its  subsidiary  to  indemnify  and
release her to the full extent possible in accordance with the Israeli Companies
Law 5759-1999 and the applicable laws of the State of Washington.

      Dr.  Beck's  employment  agreement has no stated term and is terminable by
either  party upon 90 days  prior  notice or by the  Company  with 30 days prior
notice in the event of a termination  for cause  (including a 15 day opportunity
to cure). In the event that the Company terminates Dr. Beck's employment without
cause,  or in the  event  that Dr.  Beck  resigns  as a result  of  constructive
discharge,  she is entitled  to receive 6 months'  severance  pay,  based on her
then-current base salary, payable over the 6-month period following termination.
Dr. Beck is prohibited, during the term of her employment and for a period of 12
months   thereafter,   from   competing  with  the  Company  or  its  subsidiary
orsoliciting any of the Company's or its subsidiary's customers or employees.

      In  addition,  Dr.  Beck was  granted  Options to  purchase  shares of the
Company's common stock on terms specified above.

      Yoram  Drucker.  Pursuant to his employment  agreement  dated November 16,
2004 (the "Drucker  Effective  Date") Mr. Drucker is entitled to an initial base
salary of $4,000 per month,  which shall be increased six (6) months  subsequent
to the Drucker Effective Date to $6,000 per month. Mr. Drucker shall be employed
on a part-time basis.  Drucker will be entitled to an annual bonus in connection
with the achievement of milestones and/or objectives, in each case as determined
by the Board of Directors.

      Mr.  Drucker will receive the following  executive  benefits:  14 vacation
days per year, a manager's  insurance  policy,  contributions  to his continuing
education  fund,  a  company  car and a cell  phone.  Mr.  Drucker  will also be
entitled to coverage  under our  Directors  and  Officers'  liability  insurance
policy and to a written  undertaking  from the  Company  and its  subsidiary  to
indemnify  and release him to the full extent  possible in  accordance  with the
Israeli  Companies  Law  5759-1999  and  the  applicable  laws of the  State  of

      Mr. Drucker's employment agreement has no stated term and is terminable by
either  party upon 90 days  prior  notice or by the  Company  with 30 days prior
notice in the event of a termination  for cause  (including a 15 day opportunity
to cure). Mr. Drucker is prohibited, during the term of his employment and for a
period  of 12  months  thereafter,  from  competing  with  the  Company  or  its
subsidiary or soliciting any of the Company's or its  subsidiary's  customers or

      In addition,  Mr.  Drucker was granted  Options to purchase  shares of the
Company's common stock on terms specified above.

      David  Stolick.  Pursuant  to his  employment  agreement  effective  as of
February 13, 2005 (the "Stolick  Effective Date"), Mr. Stolick is entitled to an
initial base salary of 20,000 New Israeli Shekel (NIS) per month, which shall be
increased six (6) months subsequent to the Stolick Effective Date, to NIS 28,000
per month.  Mr. Stolick shall be employed on a part-time basis for the period of
six months from the Stolick Effective Date, and on a full-time basis thereafter.
Mr. Stolick will be granted,  pursuant to the Company's Global Plan,  options to
purchase  400,000  shares of the Company's  common stock at a price per share of
$0.75 each,  which options will vest and become  exercisable in thirty-six equal
monthly  installments  from the Stolick  Effective Date.  These options shall be
exercisable  by Mr.  Stolick  for a ten (10) year period  following  the Stolick
Effective  Date, but in any case not later than two (2) years after  termination
of the Agreement.

      Mr.  Stolick will receive the following  executive  benefits:  18 vacation
days per year, a manager's insurance policy, contributions to an education fund,
a company car and a cell phone.  Mr.  Stolick  will also be entitled to coverage
under the Company's Directors' and Officers' liability insurance policy and to a
written undertaking from the Company and its subsidiary to indemnify and release
him to the full extent  possible in  accordance  with the Israeli  Companies Law
5759-1999 and the applicable laws of the State of Washington.

      Mr. Stolick's employment agreement has no stated term and is terminable by
either party upon 90 days prior notice or by the Company without prior notice in
the event of a termination for cause. In the event that Mr. Stolick resigns as a
result of constructive  discharge,  or in the event of termination of employment
by reason of Mr. Stolick's  disability or death,  67% of the remaining  unvested
options  granted to Mr.  Stolick  shall vest  immediately  as of the date of the
notice of  termination,  and Mr.  Stolick or his successor  shall be entitled to
exercise the vested options from the date of such termination  until the earlier
of two (2) years thereafter or their expiration date. Mr. Stolick is prohibited,
during the term of his employment and for a period of 12 months thereafter, from
competing  with the Company or its subsidiary or soliciting any of the Company's
or its subsidiary's customers or employees.

      In addition, Mr. Stolick will be granted Options to purchase shares of the
Company's common stock on terms specified above.


      Under regulations adopted by the SEC, any proposal submitted for inclusion
in the Company's proxy statement  relating to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to be held in 2005 must be received at the Company's principal executive offices
in New York,  New York a reasonable  time before the Company begins to print and
mail its proxy  materials.  Receipt by the Company of any such  proposal  from a
qualified  shareholder  in a timely  manner will not ensure its inclusion in the
proxy material because there are other  requirements in the proxy rules for such

                            EXPENSES AND SOLICITATION

      The cost of this solicitation of proxies will be borne by the Company.  In
addition to soliciting  shareholders by mail through its regular employees,  the
Company  may  request  banks,  brokers,  and  other  custodians,   nominees  and
fiduciaries to solicit their customers who have stock of the Company  registered
in the names of a nominee,  and, if so, will reimburse  such banks,  brokers and
other  custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable  out-of-pocket
costs. Solicitation by officers and employees of the Company may also be made of
some  shareholders  in person or by mail,  telephone or telegraph  following the
original solicitation.  Such officers and directors will receive no compensation
in connection with any such solicitations, other than compensation paid pursuant
to their duties described elsewhere in this proxy statement.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                        YORAM DRUCKER, Secretary

New York, New York
February 28, 2005

                                   DETACH HERE

PROXY                    SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS                   PROXY
                                 MARCH 28, 2005

The undersigned  hereby  appoints Yaffa Beck,  with full power of  substitution,
proxies to represent the  undersigned at the Special  Meeting of Shareholders of
Brainstorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc. to be held on March 28, 2005 at 10:00 a.m.,
New York City Time, at the offices of the Company,  1350 Avenue of the Americas,
29th  Floor,  New  York,  NY 10019,  and at any  adjournments  or  postponements
thereof, to vote in the name and place of the undersigned, with all powers which
the undersigned would possess if personally  present,  upon such business as may
properly  come  before the  meeting  including  the  proposals  set forth on the
reverse side of this proxy card.



Please sign  exactly as your name(s)  appear(s) on this proxy card.  When shares
are held by joint tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney, executor,
administrator,  trustee  or  guardian,  please  give  full  title as such.  If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate name by President or other authorized
officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.


                                   DETACH HERE



1.    To approve the Brainstorm Cell  Therapeutics Inc. 2004 Global Share Option
      Plan and the  reservation  of a total of  9,143,462  shares of our  Common
      Stock for issuance that plan and the 2005 U.S.  Stock Option and Incentive

            FOR                           AGAINST                   ABSTAIN

            |_|                             |_|                       |_|

2.    To approve the Brainstorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc. 2005 U.S. Stock Option
      and Incentive Plan and the  reservation of a total of 9,143,462  shares of
      our Common Stock for  issuance  that plan and the 2004 Global Share Option

            FOR                           AGAINST                   ABSTAIN

            |_|                             |_|                       |_|


Mark box at right if an address  change or comment has been noted on the reverse
side of this proxy card. |_|

The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledge(s)  receipt of a copy of the  accompanying
Notice of Special Meeting of  Shareholders  and the proxy statement with respect
thereto and hereby revoke(s) any proxy or proxies heretofore given.


Signature:__________  Date:___________    Signature:__________  Date:___________


Dear Shareholder:

Please take note of the  important  information  enclosed  with this proxy card.
There are important  issues related to the governance and issuance of options to
purchase shares and the award of other  stock-based  awards in your company that
require your  immediate  attention  and  approval.  The issues are  discussed in
detail in the enclosed proxy materials.

Your vote counts, and you are strongly encouraged to exercise your right to vote
your shares.

Please  mark the boxes on this proxy card to  indicate  how your  shares will be
voted. Then sign the card, detach it, and return your proxy card in the enclosed
postage paid envelope.

Your vote must be  received  prior to the  Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  on
March 28, 2005.

Thank you in advance for your prompt consideration of these matters.


Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.

                                                                       EXHIBIT A


                        THE 2004 GLOBAL SHARE OPTION PLAN

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   PURPOSE OF THE GLOBAL PLAN ...........................................    3

2.   DEFINITIONS ..........................................................    3

3.   ADMINISTRATION OF THE GLOBAL PLAN ....................................    5

4.   DESIGNATION OF PARTICIPANTS ..........................................    6

5.   SHARES RESERVED FOR THE GLOBAL PLAN ..................................    6

6.   PURCHASE PRICE .......................................................    7

7.   ADJUSTMENTS ..........................................................    7

8.   TERM AND EXERCISE OF OPTIONS .........................................    9

9.   VESTING OF OPTIONS ...................................................   10

10   PUCHASE FOR INVESTMENT ...............................................   10

11   DIVIDENDS ............................................................   12


13   EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF THE GLOBAL PLAN .......................   12

14   AMENDMENTS OR TERMINATION ............................................   13

15   GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ...............................................   14

16   CONTINUANCE OF EMPLOYMENT ............................................   13

17   GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION .......................................   13

18   TAX CONSEQUENCES .....................................................   14

19   NON-EXCLUSIVITY OF THE GLOBAL PLAN ...................................   14

20   MULTIPLE AGREEMENTS ..................................................   14

21   RULES PARTICULAR TO SPECIFIC COUNTRIES ...............................   14


      This plan, as amended from time to time,  shall be known as the BrainStorm
      Cell Therapeutics Inc. 2004 Global Share Option Plan (the "GLOBAL PLAN").


      The Global  Plan is  intended to provide an  incentive  to retain,  in the
      employ of the Company (as defined  below) and its  affiliates,  persons of
      training,  experience and ability;  to attract new  employees,  directors,
      consultants   and   service   providers;   to   encourage   the  sense  of
      proprietorship  of such persons;  and to stimulate the active  interest of
      such persons in the  development  and financial  success of the Company by
      providing them with opportunities to purchase shares in the Company.


      For  purposes  of  interpreting  the  Global  Plan and  related  documents
      (including  the  Option  Agreement  and  its  appendixes),  the  following
      definitions shall apply:

      2.1   "BOARD" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      2.2   "CAUSE" means (i) conviction of any felony involving moral turpitude
            or  affecting  the  Company or its  affiliates;  (ii) any refusal to
            carry out a reasonable  directive of the Company's  Chief  Executive
            Officer,  Board or the Optionee's direct supervisor,  which involves
            the  business  of the Company or its  affiliates  and was capable of
            being lawfully performed; (iii) embezzlement of funds of the Company
            or its  affiliates;  (iv) any  breach  of the  Optionee's  fiduciary
            duties or duties of care of the Company or its affiliates; including
            without  limitation  disclosure of  confidential  information of the
            Company or its  affiliates;  and (v) any conduct (other than conduct
            in good faith)  reasonably  determined by the Board to be materially
            detrimental to the Company or its affiliates.

      2.3   "CHAIRMAN" means the Chairman of the Committee.

      2.4   "COMMITTEE"  means  a share  option  compensation  committee  of the
            Board,  designated from time to time by the resolution of the Board,
            which shall consist of no fewer than two members of the Board.

      2.5   "COMPANY"  means  BrainStorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc., a Washington
            State company.

      2.6   "DATE OF GRANT" means the date determined by the Board or authorized
            Committee as set forth in the Option Agreement.

      2.7   "EMPLOYEE"  means a person  who is  employed  by the  Company or any

      2.8   "EXPIRATION  DATE" means the date upon which an Option shall expire,
            as set forth in Section 8.2 of the Global Plan.


      2.9   "FAIR  MARKET  VALUE"  means as of any  date,  the  value of a Share
            determined as follows:

            (i)   If the Shares are listed on any established  stock exchange or
                  a national market system, including without limitation the Tel
                  Aviv Stock Exchange,  the NASDAQ National Market System or the
                  NASDAQ  SmallCap  Market,  the Fair Market  Value shall be the
                  last  reported  sale  price for such  Shares  (or the  highest
                  closing  bid,  if no sales were  reported),  as quoted on such
                  exchange  or system for the last  market  trading day prior to
                  time of determination, as reported in The Wall Street Journal,
                  or such other source as the Board deems reliable;

            (ii)  If the Shares are regularly  quoted by one or more  recognized
                  securities dealers,  but selling prices are not reported,  the
                  Fair Market  Value  shall be the mean  between the highest bid
                  and lowest  asked  prices  for the  Shares on the last  market
                  trading day prior to the day of determination; or

            (iii) In the absence of an  established  market for the Shares,  the
                  Fair Market Value thereof shall be determined in good faith by
                  the Board.

      2.10  "IPO" means the initial public offering of the Company's shares.

      2.11  "OPTION" means an option to purchase one or more Shares  pursuant to
            the Global Plan.

      2.12  "OPTIONEE"  means a person who receives or holds an Option under the
            Global Plan.

      2.13  "OPTION  AGREEMENT"  means the share  option  agreement  between the
            Company and an Optionee  that  evidences  and sets out the terms and
            conditions of an Option.

      2.14  "GLOBAL PLAN" means the Company's 2004 Global Share Option Plan.

      2.15  "PURCHASE  PRICE"  means  the  price for each  Share  subject  to an

      2.16  "SERVICE  PROVIDER"  means a director,  consultant or adviser of the
            Company  or  any  affiliate,  or  any  other  person  who  is not an

      2.17  "SHARE" means the common stock, 0.00005 par value, of the Company.

      2.18  "SUCCESSOR  COMPANY"  means any  entity  into  which the  Company is
            merged to or by which the Company is acquired.

      2.19  "TRANSACTION" means (i) merger, acquisition or reorganization of the
            Company with one or more other  entities in which the Company is not
            the surviving entity, (ii) a sale of all or substantially all of the
            assets or shares of the Company to another entity.

      2.20  "U.S.  PLAN" means the BrainStorm Cell  Therapeutics  Inc. 2005 U.S.
            Stock Option and Incentive Plan.

      2.21  "VESTED  OPTION"  means any Option,  which has  already  been vested
            according to the Vesting Dates.


      2.22  "VESTING  DATES"  means,  as  determined  by the Board or authorized
            Committee,  the date as of which the  Optionee  shall be entitled to
            exercise Options or part of the Options as set forth in Section 9 of
            the Global Plan.


      3.1   The Board shall have the power to administer the Global Plan. To the
            extent  permitted  under  applicable law, the Board may delegate its
            powers under the Global Plan, or any part thereof, to the Committee,
            in which case,  any  reference  to the Board in the Global Plan with
            respect to the rights so  delegated  shall be construed as reference
            to the Committee.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Board shall
            automatically  have residual  authority (i) if no Committee shall be
            constituted,  (ii) with respect to rights not delegated by the Board
            to the Committee,  or (iii) if such Committee shall cease to operate
            for any reason whatsoever.

      3.2   The Committee, if appointed,  shall select one of its members as its
            Chairman and shall hold its meetings at such times and places as the
            Chairman shall  determine.  The Committee  shall keep records of its
            meetings and shall make such rules and  regulations  for the conduct
            of its business as it shall deem advisable.

      3.3   The  Committee  shall have full power and  authority  subject to the
            approval of the Board to the extent  required  under  applicable law
            (and  subject  further  to  applicable   laws):   (i)  to  designate
            Optionees;  (ii) to determine the terms and provisions of respective
            Option Agreements (which need not be identical)  including,  but not
            limited  to,  the  number of Shares to be  covered  by each  Option,
            provisions concerning the time or times when and the extent to which
            the  Options  may be  exercised  and  the  nature  and  duration  of
            restrictions  as to  transferability  or  restrictions  constituting
            substantial risk of forfeiture;  (iii) to accelerate the right of an
            Optionee to exercise,  in whole or in part, any  previously  granted
            Option;   (iv)  to  interpret  the   provisions  and  supervise  the
            administration  of the Global Plan; (v) to determine the Fair Market
            Value of the Shares; (vi) determine the Purchase Price of the Option
            (vii) to designate the type of Options to be granted to an Optionee;
            (viii) to determine any other matter which is necessary or desirable
            for, or incidental to, the administration of the Global Plan.

      3.4   The Board and/or the Committee shall have the authority to grant, in
            its discretion,  to the holder of an outstanding Option, in exchange
            for the  surrender  and  cancellation  of such Option,  a new Option
            having a purchase  price  equal to,  lower  than or higher  than the
            Purchase Price of the original  Option so surrendered  and canceled,
            and containing  such other terms and conditions as the Committee may
            prescribe in accordance with the provisions of the Global Plan.


      3.5   Subject to the Company's incorporation  documents, all decisions and
            selections  made  by the  Board  or the  Committee  pursuant  to the
            provisions  of the Global  Plan  shall be made by a majority  of its
            members  except that no member of the Board or the  Committee  shall
            vote on, or be counted  for  quorum  purposes,  with  respect to any
            proposed action of the Board or the Committee relating to any Option
            to be granted to that member.  Any decision reduced to writing shall
            be executed  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the  Company's
            incorporation  documents,  as the same may be in effect from time to

      3.6   The   interpretation  and  construction  by  the  Committee  of  any
            provision of the Global Plan or of any Option  Agreement  thereunder
            shall be final and  conclusive  unless  otherwise  determined by the

      3.7   Subject to the Company's  incorporation  documents and the Company's
            decision, and to all approvals legally required,  each member of the
            Board or the Committee shall be indemnified and held harmless by the
            Company  against  any  cost  or  expense  (including  counsel  fees)
            reasonably incurred by him, or any liability (including any sum paid
            in settlement  of a claim with the approval of the Company)  arising
            out of any act or omission to act in connection with the Global Plan
            unless  arising out of such member's own fraud or bad faith,  to the
            extent permitted by applicable law. Such indemnification shall be in
            addition to any rights of  indemnification  the member may have as a
            director or otherwise under the Company's  incorporation  documents,
            any agreement,  any vote of shareholders or disinterested directors,
            insurance policy or otherwise.


      The persons  eligible for  participation  in the Global Plan shall include
      Employees and/or Service Providers. The grant of an Option hereunder shall
      neither entitle the Optionee to participate nor disqualify him or her from
      participating  in, any other grant of Options  pursuant to the Global Plan
      or any other option or share plan of the Company or any of its affiliates.


      5.1   The  Company  has  reserved  a total  of  9,143,462  authorized  but
            unissued  Shares for the  purposes  of the  Global  Plan and for the
            purpose of the U.S. Plan and the Company's other share option plans,
            when  applicable,  subject to  adjustment  as set forth in Section 7
            below.  Any Shares issued pursuant to an Option or other award under
            the Global Plan,  the U.S.  Plan or any other  Company  share option
            plan shall reduce the total number of shares  reserved and available
            for the grant of future  Options and other  awards  under the Global
            Plan,  the U.S. Plan and any other  Company share option plans.  Any
            Shares  which   remain   unissued  and  which  are  not  subject  to
            outstanding  Options at the  termination  of the  Global  Plan shall
            cease to be reserved for the purpose of the Global  Plan,  but until
            termination  of the  Global  Plan the  Company  shall  at all  times
            reserve a sufficient  number of Shares to meet the  requirements  of
            the Global  Plan.  Should  any  Option  for any reason  expire or be
            canceled prior to its exercise or  relinquishment in full, the Share
            or Shares subject to such Option may again be subjected to an Option
            under the Global Plan, the U.S. Plan or under future plans.


      5.2   Each Option granted  pursuant to the Global Plan, shall be evidenced
            by a written Option Agreement  between the Company and the Optionee,
            in such form as the Board  shall  from  time to time  approve.  Each
            Option  Agreement  shall state,  inter alia, the number of Shares to
            which the Option relates, the type of Option granted thereunder, the
            Vesting Dates, the Purchase Price per Share and the Expiration Date.


      6.1   The  Purchase  Price of each  Share  subject  to an Option  shall be
            determined by the  Committee in its sole and absolute  discretion in
            accordance with applicable law,  subject to any guidelines as may be
            determined  by the Board from time to time.  Each  Option  Agreement
            will contain the Purchase Price determined for each Optionee.

      6.2   The  Purchase  Price shall be payable upon the exercise of an Option
            in  cash,  check  or wire  transfer.  The  Purchase  Price  shall be
            denominated in the currency of the primary economic  environment of,
            at the  Company's  discretion,  either the  Company or the  Employee
            (that is the  functional  currency of the Company or the currency in
            which the Employee is paid).


      Upon the occurrence of any of the following  described events,  Optionee's
      rights to  purchase  Shares  under the Global  Plan shall be  adjusted  as
      hereafter provided:

      7.1   In  the  event  of  Transaction,   the   unexercised   Options  then
            outstanding  under the Global  Plan shall be assumed or  substituted
            for an appropriate number of shares of each class of shares or other
            securities  of the  Successor  Company (or a parent or subsidiary of
            the Successor  Company) as were  distributed to the  shareholders of
            the Company in connection  and with respect to the  Transaction.  In
            the  case  of  such  assumption  and/or   substitution  of  Options,
            appropriate adjustments shall be made to the Purchase Price so as to
            reflect such action and all other terms and conditions of the Option
            Agreements shall remain unchanged,  including but not limited to the
            vesting schedule,  all subject to the determination of the Committee
            or the Board, which  determination shall be in their sole discretion
            and final.  The Company shall notify the Optionee of the Transaction
            in such  form and  method as it deems  applicable  at least ten (10)
            days prior to the effective date of such Transaction.

      7.2   Notwithstanding  the above and subject to all  applicable  law,  the
            Board  or the  Committee  shall  have the  power  and  authority  to
            determine that in certain Option  Agreements there shall be a clause
            instructing  that if in any  Transaction  the Successor  Company (or
            parent or  subsidiary  of the  Successor  Company) does not agree to
            assume or substitute  the Options,  the Vesting Dates of outstanding
            Options  shall be  accelerated  so that any  unvested  Option or any
            portion thereof shall be immediately  vested as of the date which is
            ten (10) days prior to the effective date of the Transaction.


      7.3   For the purposes of Section 7.1 above, an Option shall be considered
            assumed or  substitute  if,  following the  Transaction,  the Option
            shall confer the right,  subject to such Option's  original  vesting
            schedule,  to purchase or receive,  for each Share  underlying  such
            Option  immediately  prior  to the  Transaction,  the  consideration
            (whether  shares,  options,  cash, or other  securities or property)
            received in the  Transaction by the holders of shares for each Share
            held on the effective date of the  Transaction  (and if such holders
            were offered a choice of  consideration,  the type of  consideration
            chosen by the  holders of a  majority  of the  outstanding  Shares);
            provided,  however,  that  if  such  consideration  received  in the
            Transaction   is  not  solely  shares  of  common  stock  (or  their
            equivalent)  of the Successor  Company or its parent or  subsidiary,
            the  Committee  may,  with the  consent  of the  Successor  Company,
            provide for the  consideration  to be received  upon the exercise of
            the Option to be solely shares of common stock (or their equivalent)
            of the Successor  Company or its parent or subsidiary  equal in Fair
            Market Value to the per Share consideration received by holders of a
            majority of the outstanding shares in the Transaction;  and provided
            further that the Committee may determine, in its discretion, that in
            lieu of such  assumption or  substitution  of Options for options of
            the Successor Company or its parent or subsidiary, such Options will
            be  substituted  for any other type of asset or  property  including
            cash which is fair under the circumstances.

      7.4   If  the  Company  is  voluntarily   liquidated  or  dissolved  while
            unexercised  Options remain  outstanding  under the Global Plan, the
            Company shall immediately  notify all unexercised  Option holders of
            such  liquidation,  and the Option  holders shall then have ten (10)
            days to exercise any unexercised  Vested Option held by them at that
            time,  in accordance  with the exercise  procedure set forth herein.
            Upon  the  expiration  of  such  ten-days   period,   all  remaining
            outstanding Options will terminate immediately.

      7.5   If the outstanding  Shares shall at any time be changed or exchanged
            by declaration of a share dividend  (bonus  shares),  Share split or
            reverse   Share   split,   combination   or   exchange   of  shares,
            recapitalization,  or any other like event by or of the Company, and
            as often as the same shall occur, then the number, class and kind of
            the  Shares  subject to the  Global  Plan or subject to any  Options
            theretofore granted, and the Purchase Prices, shall be appropriately
            and equitably adjusted so as to maintain the proportionate number of
            Shares  without  changing the aggregate  Purchase  Price;  provided,
            however,  that  no  adjustment  shall  be  made  by  reason  of  the
            distribution of subscription rights (rights offering) on outstanding
            Shares.  Upon  happening  of any of the  foregoing,  the  class  and
            aggregate number of Shares issuable  pursuant to the Global Plan (as
            set forth in Section 5 hereof), in respect of which Options have not
            yet  been  exercised,   shall  be  appropriately  adjusted  (all  as
            determined by the Board whose determination shall be final).


      7.6   The Optionee  acknowledges that Optionee's rights to sell the Shares
            may be subject to certain limitations  (including a lock-up period),
            as will be  requested  by the Company or its  underwriters,  and the
            Optionee unconditionally agrees and accepts any such limitations.


      8.1   Options  shall be  exercised  by the  Optionee's  by giving  written
            notice of to the  Company or to any third  party  designated  by the
            Company  (the  "REPRESENTATIVE"),  in such form and method as may be
            determined by the Company,  which  exercise  shall be effective upon
            receipt of such notice by the Company and/or the  Representative and
            the  payment of the  exercise  price for the  number of Shares  with
            respect to which the option is being exercised,  at the Company's or
            the Representative's  principal office. The notice shall specify the
            number  of  Shares  with  respect  to  which  the  Option  is  being

      8.2   Options,  to the extent not previously  exercised,  shall  terminate
            upon the earlier of: (i) the date set forth in the Option Agreement;
            (ii) the  expiration  of ten (10) years  from the Date of Grant;  or
            (iii) the expiration of any extended period in any of the events set
            forth in Section 8.5 below.

      8.3   The Options may be exercised by the Optionee in whole at any time or
            in part from  time to time,  to the  extent  that the  Options  have
            become vested and  exercisable,  prior to the  Expiration  Date, and
            provided that,  subject to the provisions of Section 8.5 below,  the
            Optionee is an Employee  or a Service  Provider at all times  during
            the period beginning with the granting of the Option and ending upon
            the date of exercise.

      8.4   Subject to the  provisions  of Section 8.5 below,  in the event of a
            termination of Optionee's employment or service, all Options granted
            to such Optionee shall immediately expire. Unless otherwise approved
            by the Committee,  a notice of termination of employment or services
            shall be deemed to constitute termination of employment or services.

      8.5   Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  hereinabove  and unless
            otherwise  determined in the Optionee's Option Agreement,  an Option
            may be  exercised  after  the  date  of  termination  of  Optionee's
            employment or service during an additional period of time beyond the
            date of such  termination,  but only with  respect  to the number of
            Vested  Options  at the time of such  termination  according  to the
            Vesting Dates, if:

            8.5.1 termination  is  without  Cause,  in which  event  the  Vested
                  Options still in force and unexpired may be exercised within a
                  period of three (3) months after the date of such termination;

            8.5.2 termination  is the  result  of  death  or  disability  of the
                  Optionee, in which event the Vested Options still in force and
                  unexpired  may be  exercised  within a period of  twelve  (12)
                  months after such date of termination; or-

            8.5.3 prior to the date of such  termination,  the  Committee  shall
                  authorize  an  extension  of the  term  of all or  part of the
                  Vested  Options  beyond  the  date of such  termination  for a
                  period not to exceed the period  during  which the  Options by
                  their terms would otherwise have been exercisable.


            8.5.4 For avoidance of any doubt,  if  termination  of employment or
                  service is for Cause, any outstanding  unexercised Option will
                  immediately  expire and terminate,  and the Optionee shall not
                  have any right in respect of such outstanding Options.

      8.6   To avoid  doubt,  Optionees  shall  not have  any of the  rights  or
            privileges of shareholders of the Company,  in respect of any Shares
            purchasable upon the exercise of an Option, nor shall they be deemed
            to be a class of  shareholders  or  creditors of the Company for the
            purpose of all applicable law, until registration of the Optionee as
            holder of such Shares in the Company's register of shareholders upon
            exercise  of the Option in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the
            Global Plan.

      8.7   Any form of  Option  Agreement  authorized  by the  Global  Plan may
            contain  such other  provisions,  not  inconsistent  with the Global
            Plan, as the Board may, from time to time, deem advisable.


      9.1   Subject to the provisions of the Global Plan,  Options shall vest at
            the  Vesting  Dates set forth in the  Option  Agreement.  However no
            Option shall be exercised after the Expiration Date.

      9.2   An Option may be subject to such  other  terms and  conditions,  not
            inconsistent  with the Global Plan, on the time or times when it may
            be  exercised as the  Committee  may deem  appropriate.  The vesting
            provisions of individual Options may vary.


      The Company's  obligation to issue or allocate  Shares upon exercise of an
      Option  granted under the Global Plan is expressly  conditioned  upon: (a)
      the Company's  completion of any registration or other  qualifications  of
      such  Shares  under all  applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations  or (b)
      representations   and   undertakings   by  the   Optionee  (or  his  legal
      representative,  heir or legatee, in the event of the Optionee's death) to
      assure  that  the  sale  of the  Shares  complies  with  any  registration
      exemption requirements which the Company in its sole discretion shall deem
      necessary or advisable. Such required representations and undertakings may
      include  representations  and agreements  that such Optionee (or his legal
      representative,  heir,  or  legatee):  (a) is  purchasing  such Shares for
      investment  and not with any  present  intention  of selling or  otherwise
      disposing thereof; and (b) agrees to have placed upon the face and reverse
      of any certificates  evidencing such Shares a legend setting forth (i) any
      representations  and  undertakings  which such  Optionee  has given to the
      Company or a reference  thereto and (ii) that, prior to effecting any sale
      or other disposition of any such Shares,  the Optionee must furnish to the
      Company an opinion of counsel, satisfactory to the Company, that such sale
      or disposition will not violate the applicable laws, rules and regulations
      of the  United  States or any other  state  having  jurisdiction  over the
      Company and the Optionee.



      With respect to all Shares (but excluding, for avoidance of any doubt, any
      unexercised  Options)  allocated  or issued  upon the  exercise of Options
      purchased by the Optionee and held by the Optionee or by a trustee, as the
      case may be,  the  Optionee  shall be  entitled  to receive  dividends  in
      accordance with the quantity of such Shares,  subject to the provisions of
      the Company's  incorporation  documents,  as amended from time to time and
      subject to any applicable taxation on distribution of dividends.


      No  Option or any  right  with  respect  thereto,  purchasable  hereunder,
      whether fully paid or not, shall be assignable,  transferable, or given as
      collateral  nor any right with  respect  thereto may be given to any third
      party  whatsoever,  other  than  by will or by the  laws  of  descent  and
      distribution  or as specifically  otherwise  allowed under the Global Plan
      and during the lifetime of the Optionee,  each and all of such  Optionee's
      rights to  purchase  Shares  hereunder  shall be  exercisable  only by the
      Optionee. Any action made in contradiction to the aforementioned, shall be
      null and void.


      The Global  Plan shall be  effective  as of the day it was  adopted by the
      Board and shall  terminate  at the end of ten (10)  years from such day of

      The Company  shall obtain the approval of the Company's  shareholders  for
      the  adoption of this Global Plan or for any  amendment  to this ISOP,  if
      shareholders'  approval  is  necessary  or  desirable  to comply  with any
      applicable law including without limitation the U.S. securities law or the
      securities  laws of other  jurisdiction  applicable to Options  granted to
      Optionees under this Global Plan, or if shareholders' approval is required
      by any authority or by any  governmental  agencies or national  securities
      exchanges  including  without  limitation  the US Securities  and Exchange



      14.1  The Board may at any time, subject to the provisions of Section 14.2
            below and all applicable law, amend, alter, suspend or terminate the
            Global Plan,  provided,  however,  that (i) the Board may not extend
            the term of the  Global  Plan  specified  in  Section 13 and (ii) no
            amendment, alteration,  suspension or termination of the Global Plan
            shall  impair the rights of any  Optionee,  unless  mutually  agreed
            otherwise by the Optionee and the Company,  which  agreement must be
            in  writing  and signed by the  Optionee  and the  Company.  Earlier
            termination of the Global Plan prior to the  Termination  Date shall
            not affect the Board's  ability to exercise the powers granted to it
            hereunder  with  respect to Options  granted  under the Global  Plan
            prior to the date of such earlier termination.

      14.2  The Company shall obtain the approval of the Company's  shareholders
            for any amendment to this Global Plan and/or the Appendixes  thereto
            if  shareholders'  approval is  required  under any  applicable  law
            including  without  limitation  the  U.S.   securities  law  or  the
            securities laws of other jurisdiction  applicable to Options granted
            to Optionees  under this Global Plan and/or the Appendixes  thereto,
            or if shareholders'  approval is required by any authority or by any
            governmental  agencies or national  securities  exchanges  including
            without limitation the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


      The Global Plan,  the granting and exercise of Options  hereunder  and the
      obligation  of the Company to sell and deliver  Shares  under such Options
      shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules, regulations, approvals and
      consents whether of the United States,  the State of Israel,  or any other
      state having jurisdiction over the Company or the Optionee,  including the
      registration of the Shares under the United States  Securities Act 1933 or
      under  the  securities  act of any  applicable  jurisdiction,  and to such
      approvals by any governmental agencies or national securities exchanges as
      may be required.  Nothing herein shall be deemed to require the Company to
      register the Shares under the securities law of any jurisdiction.


      Neither  the  Global  Plan  nor any  Option  Agreement  shall  impose  any
      obligation  on the Company or an affiliate to continue any Optionee in its
      employ or service, and nothing in the Global Plan or in any Option granted
      pursuant  hereto  shall  confer upon any Optionee any right to continue in
      the employ or service of the Company or an  affiliate  thereof or restrict
      the  right of the  Company  or an  affiliate  thereof  to  terminate  such
      employment or service at any time.



      The  Global  Plan shall be  governed  by and  construed  and  enforced  in
      accordance with the laws of the State of Israel as applicable to contracts
      made and to be performed therein,  without giving effect to the principles
      of  conflict  of laws.  The  competent  courts  of the  State  of  Israel,
      Washington  State or any  other  state of the  United  States in which the
      company is qualified to do business  shall have sole  jurisdiction  in any
      matters pertaining to the Global Plan.


      Any tax consequences to any Optionee arising from the grant or exercise of
      any Option,  from the payment for Shares covered thereby or from any other
      event or act (of the  Company  and/or  its  affiliates,  or the  Optionee)
      hereunder  shall be borne solely by the Optionee.  The Company  and/or its
      affiliates  shall withhold taxes according to the  requirements  under the
      applicable laws,  rules, and regulations,  including  withholding taxes at
      source.  Furthermore,  the Optionee  shall agree to indemnify  the Company
      and/or its affiliates and hold them harmless  against and from any and all
      liability  for any such tax or  interest  or  penalty  thereon,  including
      without limitation,  liabilities relating to the necessity to withhold, or
      to have withheld, any such tax from any payment made to the Optionee.

      The Company shall not be required to release any Share  certificate  to an
      Optionee until all required payments have been fully made.


      The  adoption of the Global Plan by the Board  shall not be  construed  as
      amending,  modifying  or  rescinding  any  previously  approved  incentive
      arrangements  or as creating any  limitations on the power of the Board to
      adopt  such  other  incentive  arrangements  as  it  may  deem  desirable,
      including,  without  limitation,  the granting of Options  otherwise  then
      under the Global  Plan,  and such  arrangements  may be either  applicable
      generally or only in specific  cases.  For the  avoidance of doubt,  prior
      grant of  options to  Optionees  of the  Company  under  their  employment
      agreements,  and not in the framework of any previous  option plan,  shall
      not be deemed an approved  incentive  arrangement  for the purpose of this


      The terms of each Option may differ from other  Options  granted under the
      Global  Plan at the same time,  or at any other  time.  The Board may also
      grant  more than one  Option to a given  Optionee  during  the term of the
      Global Plan,  either in addition to, or in  substitution  for, one or more
      Options previously granted to that Optionee.



      Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, the terms and conditions
      of the Global Plan may be adjusted with respect to a particular country by
      means of an addendum  to the Global  Plan in the form of an appendix  (the
      "Appendix"),  and to the extent that the terms and conditions set forth in
      the  Appendix  conflict  with  any  provisions  of the  Global  Plan,  the
      provisions of the Appendix shall govern. Terms and conditions set forth in
      the Appendix  shall apply only to Options  issued to  Optionees  under the
      jurisdiction  of the specific  country that is subject of the Appendix and
      shall not apply to Options issued to any other  Optionee.  The adoption of
      any such  Appendix  shall be subject to the  approval  of the Board and if
      required the approval of the shareholders of the Company.

                                      * * *



                               APPENDIX A - ISRAEL

                       TO THE 2004 GLOBL SHARE OPTION PLAN


      1.1.  This appendix (the "APPENDIX")  shall apply only to participants who
            are  residents  of the state of Israel or those who are deemed to be
            residents  of the  state  of  Israel  for the  payment  of tax.  The
            provisions  specified  hereunder  shall form an integral part of the
            2004 Global Share Option Plan of BrainStorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc
            (hereinafter:  the "PLAN"), which applies to the issuance of options
            to purchase Shares of BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc (hereinafter:
            the  "COMPANY").  According  to the Plan,  options to  purchase  the
            Company's Shares may be issued to employees, directors,  consultants
            and service provides of the Company or its affiliates

      1.2   This  Appendix is effective  with  respect to Options  granted as of
            January  1, 2003 and shall  comply  with  Amendment  no.  132 of the
            Israeli Tax Ordinance.

      1.3.  This Appendix is to be read as a  continuation  of the Plan and only
            modifies  options  granted to Israeli  Optionees so that they comply
            with the  requirements  set by the Israeli  law in  general,  and in
            particular with the provisions of Section 102 (as specified herein),
            as may be amended or replaced  from time to time.  For the avoidance
            of  doubt,  this  Appendix  does  not add to or  modify  the Plan in
            respect of any other category of Optionees.

      1.5.  The Plan and this Appendix are complimentary to each other and shall
            be deemed as one. In any case of contradiction,  whether explicit or
            implied,  between the  provisions of this Appendix and the Plan, the
            provisions set out in the Appendix shall prevail.

      1.6.  Any  capitalized  terms not  specifically  defined in this  Appendix
            shall be construed  according to the  interpretation  given to it in
            the Plan.


      2.1   "AFFILIATE"  means any  "employing  company"  within the  meaning of
            Section 102(a) of the Ordinance.

      2.2   "APPROVED  102 OPTION" means an Option  granted  pursuant to Section
            102(b)  of the  Ordinance  and held in trust  by a  Trustee  for the
            benefit of the Optionee.

      2.3   "CAPITAL GAIN OPTION (CGO)" means an Approved 102 Option elected and
            designated  by the  Company to qualify  under the  capital  gain tax
            treatment in accordance with the provisions of Section  102(b)(2) of
            the Ordinance.


      2.4   "CONTROLLING  SHAREHOLDER"  shall have the meaning ascribed to it in
            Section 32(9) of the Ordinance.

      2.5   "EMPLOYEE"  means a person  who is  employed  by the  Company or its
            Affiliates,  including an individual who is serving as a director or
            an office holder, but excluding any Controlling Shareholder,  all as
            determined in Section 102 of the Ordinance.

      2.6   "ITA" means the Israeli Tax Authorities.

      2.7   "NON-EMPLOYEE"  means  a  consultant,   adviser,  service  provider,
            Controlling Shareholder or any other person who is not an Employee.

      2.8   "ORDINARY  INCOME OPTION (OIO)" means an Approved 102 Option elected
            and  designated by the Company to qualify under the ordinary  income
            tax treatment in accordance with the provisions of Section 102(b)(1)
            of the Ordinance.

      2.9   "102  OPTION"  means any Option  granted to  Employees  pursuant  to
            Section 102 of the Ordinance.

      2.10  "3(I)  OPTION" means an Option  granted  pursuant to Section 3(i) of
            the Ordinance to any person who is a Non- Employee.

      2.11  "ORDINANCE"  means the Israeli  Income Tax  Ordinance  [New Version]
            1961 as now in effect or as hereafter amended.

      2.12  "SECTION   102"  means   section  102  of  the   Ordinance  and  any
            regulations,  rules, orders or procedures  promulgated thereunder as
            now in effect or as hereafter amended.

      2.13  "TRUSTEE" means any individual  appointed by the Company to serve as
            a  trustee  and  approved  by the ITA,  all in  accordance  with the
            provisions of Section 102(a) of the Ordinance.

      2.14  "UNAPPROVED 102 OPTION" means an Option granted  pursuant to Section
            102(c) of the Ordinance and not held in trust by a Trustee.


      3.1   The persons  eligible  for  participation  in the Plan as  Optionees
            shall include any Employees  and/or  Non-Employees of the Company or
            of any Affiliate;  provided, however, that (i) Employees may only be
            granted  102  Options;  and (ii)  Non-Employees  and/or  Controlling
            Shareholders may only be granted 3(i) Options

      3.2   The Company may designate  Options granted to Employees  pursuant to
            Section 102 as Unapproved 102 Options or Approved 102 Options.


      3.3   The grant of Approved 102 Options  shall be made under this Appendix
            adopted by the Board,  and shall be conditioned upon the approval of
            this Appendix by the ITA.

      3.4   Approved  102  Options  may either be  classified  as  Capital  Gain
            Options ("CGOs") or Ordinary Income Options ("OIOs").

      3.5   No Approved  102 Options may be granted  under this  Appendix to any
            eligible  Employee,  unless and until, the Company's election of the
            type of Approved 102 Options as CGO or OIO granted to Employees (the
            "ELECTION"),  is  appropriately  filed with the ITA.  Such  Election
            shall  become  effective  beginning  the  first  date of grant of an
            Approved 102 Option  under this  Appendix and shall remain in effect
            at least until the end of the year  following  the year during which
            the Company first granted  Approved 102 Options.  The Election shall
            obligate  the Company to grant only the type of Approved  102 Option
            it has elected,  and shall apply to all  Optionees  who were granted
            Approved  102 Options  during the period  indicated  herein,  all in
            accordance  with the  provisions of Section 102(g) of the Ordinance.
            For the  avoidance  of doubt,  such  Election  shall not prevent the
            Company from granting Unapproved 102 Options simultaneously.

      3.6   All  Approved  102  Options  must be held in trust by a Trustee,  as
            described in Section 4 below.

      3.7   For the  avoidance  of doubt,  the  designation  of  Unapproved  102
            Options and Approved  102 Options  shall be subject to the terms and
            conditions set forth in Section 102.


      4.1   Approved  102  Options  which shall be granted  under this  Appendix
            and/or any Shares allocated or issued upon exercise of such Approved
            102 Options and/or other shares received subsequently  following any
            realization of rights,  including  without  limitation bonus shares,
            shall be allocated or issued to the Trustee and held for the benefit
            of the  Optionees for such period of time as required by Section 102
            or any  regulations,  rules  or  orders  or  procedures  promulgated
            thereunder (the "HOLDING PERIOD").  In the case the requirements for
            Approved 102 Options are not met,  then the Approved 102 Options may
            be regarded as Unapproved  102 Options,  all in accordance  with the
            provisions of Section 102.

      4.2   Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary,  the  Trustee  shall not
            release any Shares allocated or issued upon exercise of Approved 102
            Options prior to the full payment of the Optionee's tax  liabilities
            arising from  Approved 102 Options  which were granted to him and/or
            any Shares allocated or issued upon exercise of such Options.


      4.3   With respect to any Approved 102 Option,  subject to the  provisions
            of Section 102 and any rules or  regulation  or orders or procedures
            promulgated  thereunder,  an Optionee shall not sell or release from
            trust any Share received upon the exercise of an Approved 102 Option
            and/or any share received subsequently  following any realization of
            rights, including without limitation,  bonus shares, until the lapse
            of the Holding  Period  required under Section 102 of the Ordinance.
            Notwithstanding the above, if any such sale or release occurs during
            the Holding Period, the sanctions under Section 102 of the Ordinance
            and  under  any  rules  or   regulation   or  orders  or  procedures
            promulgated  thereunder  shall  apply to and  shall be borne by such

      4.4   Upon  receipt of Approved  102  Option,  the  Optionee  will sign an
            undertaking  to release the Trustee from any liability in respect of
            any action or decision duly taken and bona fide executed in relation
            with this  Appendix,  or any Approved 102 Option or Share granted to
            him thereunder.


      The terms  and  conditions  upon  which the  Options  shall be issued  and
      exercised,  shall be as specified  in the Option  Agreement to be executed
      pursuant to the Plan and to this  Appendix.  Each Option  Agreement  shall
      state,  inter alia, the number of Shares to which the Option relates,  the
      type of Option  granted  thereunder  (whether a CGO, OIO,  Unapproved  102
      Option or a 3(i) Option), the vesting provisions and the exercise price.


      Without derogating from Section 2.9 of the Plan and solely for the purpose
      of  determining  the tax  liability  pursuant to Section  102(b)(3) of the
      Ordinance,  if at the date of grant the Company's shares are listed on any
      established stock exchange or a national market system or if the Company's
      shares will be registered  for trading  within ninety (90) days  following
      the date of grant of the CGOs,  the fair market value of the Shares at the
      date of grant shall be determined in accordance  with the average value of
      the Company's shares on the thirty (30) trading days preceding the date of
      grant  or  on  the  thirty  (30)  trading  days   following  the  date  of
      registration for trading, as the case may be.


      Options  shall be exercised by the Optionee by giving a written  notice to
      the Company  and/or to any third  party  designated  by the  Company  (the
      "REPRESENTATIVE"),  in such form and  method as may be  determined  by the
      Company and,  when  applicable,  by the Trustee,  in  accordance  with the
      requirements  of Section  102,  which  exercise  shall be  effective  upon
      receipt of such notice by the Company  and/or the  Representative  and the
      payment of the  exercise  price for the number of Shares  with  respect to
      which  the  option  is  being   exercised,   at  the   Company's   or  the
      Representative's  principal office. The notice shall specify the number of
      Shares with respect to which the option is being exercised.



      8.1.  Notwithstanding  any other  provision of the Plan,  no Option or any
            right with respect  thereto,  purchasable  hereunder,  whether fully
            paid  or  not,  shall  be  assignable,   transferable  or  given  as
            collateral  or any right  with  respect  to them  given to any third
            party  whatsoever,  and during the lifetime of the Optionee each and
            all of such Optionee's  rights to purchase Shares hereunder shall be
            exercisable only by the Optionee.

            Any such  action  made  directly  or  indirectly,  for an  immediate
            validation or for a future one, shall be void.

      8.2   As long as Options or Shares purchased  pursuant to thereto are held
            by the Trustee on behalf of the Optionee, all rights of the Optionee
            over the  shares are  personal,  can not be  transferred,  assigned,
            pledged or  mortgaged,  other  than by will or laws of  descent  and


      9.1.  With  regards to Approved 102 Options,  the  provisions  of the Plan
            and/or the Appendix and/or the Option  Agreement shall be subject to
            the  provisions  of  Section  102 and the  Tax  Assessing  Officer's
            permit,  and the said  provisions  and  permit  shall be  deemed  an
            integral  part of the Plan  and of the  Appendix  and of the  Option

      9.2.  Any  provision  of  Section  102  and/or  the said  permit  which is
            necessary  in  order  to  receive  and/or  to keep  any tax  benefit
            pursuant to Section  102,  which is not  expressly  specified in the
            Plan or the Appendix or the Option  Agreement,  shall be  considered
            binding upon the Company and the Optionees.


      Subject to the  Company's  incorporation  documents,  with  respect to all
      Shares  (but  excluding,  for  avoidance  of any  doubt,  any  unexercised
      options)  allocated or issued upon the exercise of Options and held by the
      Optionee  or by the  Trustee  as the case may be,  the  Optionee  shall be
      entitled to receive  dividends  in  accordance  with the  quantity of such
      shares,  and  subject  to  any  applicable  taxation  on  distribution  of
      dividends,  and when  applicable  subject to the provisions of Section 102
      and the rules, regulations or orders promulgated thereunder.


      11.1  Any tax  consequences  arising  from the  grant or  exercise  of any
            Option,  from the  payment  for Shares  covered  thereby or from any
            other event or act (of the Company,  and/or its Affiliates,  and the
            Trustee or the  Optionee),  hereunder,  shall be borne solely by the
            Optionee.  The  Company  and/or its  Affiliates,  and/or the Trustee
            shall  withhold  taxes  according  to  the  requirements  under  the
            applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including withholding taxes
            at source.  Furthermore,  the Optionee  shall agree to indemnify the
            Company  and/or  its  Affiliates  and/or the  Trustee  and hold them
            harmless  against and from any and all liability for any such tax or
            interest  or  penalty   thereon,   including   without   limitation,
            liabilities  relating  to the  necessity  to  withhold,  or to  have
            withheld, any such tax from any payment made to the Optionee.


      11.2  The  Company  and/or,  when  applicable,  the  Trustee  shall not be
            required to release any share  certificate  to an Optionee until all
            required payments have been fully made.

      11.3  With respect to Unapproved 102 Option,  if the Optionee ceases to be
            employed by the Company or any Affiliate,  the Optionee shall extend
            to the Company  and/or its Affiliate a security or guarantee for the
            payment of tax due at the time of sale of Shares,  all in accordance
            with the  provisions  of Section  102 and the rules,  regulation  or
            orders promulgated thereunder.


      This  Appendix  shall  be  governed  by  and  construed  and  enforced  in
      accordance  with the laws of the State of Israel  applicable  to contracts
      made and to be performed therein,  without giving effect to the principles
      of conflict of laws. The competent  courts of Tel-Aviv,  Israel shall have
      sole jurisdiction in any matters pertaining to this Appendix.

                                      * * *


                                                                       EXHIBIT B


                    2005 U.S. STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN


      The name of the plan is the BrainStorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc. 2005 U.S.
Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "U.S. Plan"). The purpose of the Plan is to
provide an incentive to retain,  in the employ of the  BrainStorm  Therapeutics,
Inc. (the "Company") and its Subsidiaries,  persons of training,  experience and
ability; to attract new employees, directors, consultants and service providers;
to encourage the sense of proprietorship  of such persons;  and to stimulate the
active interest of such persons in the development and financial  success of the
Company by providing them with  opportunities to receive  stock-based  awards in
the Company.

      The following terms shall be defined as set forth below:

      "Act" means the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and
regulations thereunder.

      "Administrator" is defined in Section 2(a).

      "Award" or "Awards,"  except where  referring to a particular  category of
grant under the Plan, shall include Incentive Stock Options, Non-Qualified Stock
Options and Restricted Stock Awards.

      "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      "Code" means the U.S.  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  and any
successor Code, and related rules, regulations and interpretations.

      "Committee"  means the  compensation  committee  of the Board or a similar
committee  performing the functions of the  compensation  committee and which is
comprised of not less than two Non-Employee Directors who are independent.

      "Effective  Date"  means the date on which the U.S.  Plan is  approved  by
stockholders as set forth in Section 13.

      "Exchange Act" means the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
and the rules and regulations thereunder.

      "Fair  Market  Value" of the Stock on any given date means the fair market
value of the Stock determined as follows:

            (i) If the Stock is listed on any  established  stock  exchange or a
national  market  system,  including  without  limitation  the  Tel  Aviv  Stock
Exchange,  the NASDAQ National Market System or the NASDAQ SmallCap Market,  the
Fair Market  Value shall be the last  reported  sale price of such Stock (or the
highest closing bid, if no sales were  reported),  as quoted on such exchange or
system  for the last  market  trading  day  prior to time of  determination,  as
reported in The Wall Street Journal,  or such other source as the Administration
deems reliable;

            (ii) If the  Stock is  regularly  quoted  by one or more  recognized
securities dealers,  but selling prices are not reported,  the Fair Market Value
shall be the mean  between the highest bid and lowest asked prices for the Stock
on the last market trading day prior to the day of determination; or

            (iii) In the  absence of an  established  market for the Stock,  the
Fair  Market  Value   thereof   shall  be   determined  in  good  faith  by  the

      "Global  Plan" means the  BrainStorm  Cell  Therapeutics  Inc. 2004 Global
Share Option Plan.

      "Incentive  Stock Option" means any Stock Option  designated and qualified
as an "incentive stock option" as defined in Section 422 of the Code.

      "Non-Employee  Director"  means a member  of the  Board who is not also an
employee of the Company or any Subsidiary.

      "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option"  means  any  Stock  Option  that  is not an
Incentive Stock Option.

      "Option" or "Stock  Option"  means any option to purchase  shares of Stock
granted pursuant to Section 5.

      "Restricted Stock Award" means Awards granted pursuant to Section 6.

      "Section  409A" means  Section  409A of the Code and the  regulations  and
other guidance promulgated thereunder.

      "Stock"  means the Common  Stock,  par value  $0.00005  per share,  of the
Company, subject to adjustments pursuant to Section 3.

      "Subsidiary"  means  any  corporation  or  other  entity  (other  than the
Company) in which the Company has a  controlling  interest,  either  directly or

      "Ten  Percent  Owner"  means an employee  who owns or is deemed to own (by
reason of the  attribution  rules of  Section  424(d) of the Code)  more than 10
percent of the  combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or
any parent or subsidiary corporation.


      (a) Committee.  The U.S. Plan shall be administered by either the Board or
the Committee (the "Administrator").


      (b) Powers of Administrator.  The  Administrator  shall have the power and
authority to grant Awards consistent with the terms of the U.S. Plan,  including
the power and authority:

            (i) to select the  individuals  to whom Awards may from time to time
be granted;

            (ii) to  determine  the time or times of grant,  and the extent,  if
any, of Incentive  Stock  Options,  Non-Qualified  Stock Options and  Restricted
Stock Awards,  or any  combination of the foregoing,  granted to any one or more

            (iii) to  determine  the  number of shares of Stock to be covered by
any Award;

            (iv) to  determine  and  modify  from  time to time  the  terms  and
conditions,  including restrictions, not inconsistent with the terms of the U.S.
Plan,  of any Award,  which terms and  conditions  may differ  among  individual
Awards and grantees,  and to approve the form of written instruments  evidencing
the Awards;

            (v) to accelerate at any time the  exercisability  or vesting of all
or any portion of any Award;

            (vi) subject to the provisions of Section 5(a)(ii), to extend at any
time the period in which Stock Options may be exercised; and

            (vii) at any time to adopt, alter and repeal such rules,  guidelines
and  practices  for  administration  of the  U.S.  Plan and for its own acts and
proceedings as it shall deem advisable; to interpret the terms and provisions of
the U.S. Plan and any Award (including related written instruments); to make all
determinations  it deems advisable for the  administration  of the U.S. Plan; to
decide all disputes  arising in connection  with the U.S. Plan; and to otherwise
supervise the administration of the U.S. Plan.

      All decisions and interpretations of the Administrator shall be binding on
all persons, including the Company and U.S. Plan grantees.

      (c) Indemnification.  Neither the Board nor the Committee,  nor any member
of either  or any  delegate  thereof,  shall be  liable  for any act,  omission,
interpretation,  construction or determination  made in good faith in connection
with the U.S.  Plan,  and the  members of the Board and the  Committee  (and any
delegate  thereof)  shall  be  entitled  in all  cases  to  indemnification  and
reimbursement  by the Company in respect of any claim,  loss,  damage or expense
(including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) arising or resulting
therefrom to the fullest extent permitted by law and/or under any directors' and
officers'  liability insurance coverage which may be in effect from time to time
and/or any indemnification agreement between such individual and the Company.



      (a) Stock  Issuable.  The maximum number of shares of Stock  available for
issuance under the U.S. Plan shall be 9,143,462 shares, subject to adjustment as
provided in Section 3(b).  The pool of shares  available for issuance  under the
U.S. Plan is the same pool of shares  reserved and available for issuance  under
the Global Plan. Accordingly,  shares issued pursuant to awards under either the
Global Plan or this U.S.  Plan shall reduce the number of shares  available  for
future issuance under each plan. Not more than 9,143,462  shares shall be issued
in the form of Incentive  Stock  Options.  For purposes of the limitation on the
number of shares  available under the U.S. Plan, the shares of Stock  underlying
any Awards  (including  any Options  under the Global Plan) that are  forfeited,
canceled,  held  back upon  exercise  of an  Option  or  settlement  of an Award
(including any Options under the Global Plan) to cover the exercise price or tax
withholding,  reacquired by the Company prior to vesting,  satisfied without the
issuance of Stock or  otherwise  terminated  (other than by  exercise)  shall be
added back to the shares of Stock  available  for  issuance  under the U.S.  and
Global Plans. Subject to such overall limitations, shares of Stock may be issued
up to such  maximum  number  pursuant to any type or types of Award.  The shares
available  for issuance  under the U.S. and Global Plans may be  authorized  but
unissued shares of Stock or shares of Stock reacquired by the Company.

      (b) Changes in Stock.  Subject to Section 3(c) hereof,  if, as a result of
any reorganization,  recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock dividend, stock
split,  reverse  stock split or other similar  change in the  Company's  capital
stock,  the  outstanding  shares  of Stock are  increased  or  decreased  or are
exchanged  for a different  number or kind of shares or other  securities of the
Company,  or additional shares or new or different shares or other securities of
the Company or other non-cash assets are distributed with respect to such shares
of  Stock  or  other  securities,   or,  if,  as  a  result  of  any  merger  or
consolidation,  sale of all or  substantially  all of the assets of the Company,
the outstanding  shares of Stock are converted into or exchanged for a different
number or kind of securities of the Company or any successor entity (or a parent
or  subsidiary  thereof),   the  Administrator  shall  make  an  appropriate  or
proportionate  adjustment  in (i) the  maximum  number  of shares  reserved  for
issuance  under the U.S. and Global Plans,  (ii) the maximum number of Incentive
Stock Options that may be issued under the U.S. Plan,  (iii) the number and kind
of shares or other securities  subject to any then outstanding  Awards under the
U.S.  Plan,  (iv) the  repurchase  price,  if any,  per  share  subject  to each
outstanding  Restricted Stock Award, and (v) the price for each share subject to
any then  outstanding  Stock Options under the U.S. Plan,  without  changing the
aggregate  exercise price (i.e.,  the exercise price multiplied by the number of
Stock Options) as to which such Stock Options remain exercisable. The adjustment
by the  Administrator  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive.  No  fractional
shares of Stock  shall be issued  under the U.S.  Plan  resulting  from any such
adjustment,  but the  Administrator in its discretion may make a cash payment in
lieu of fractional shares.

      The  Administrator  may also  adjust  the  number  of  shares  subject  to
outstanding Awards and the exercise price and the terms of outstanding Awards to
take into consideration  material changes in accounting practices or principles,
extraordinary  dividends,  acquisitions  or dispositions of stock or property or
any other event if it is determined by the Administrator that such adjustment is
appropriate to avoid distortion in the operation of the U.S. Plan, provided that
no such  adjustment  shall be made in the  case of an  Incentive  Stock  Option,
without the  consent of the  grantee,  if it would  constitute  a  modification,
extension or renewal of the Option  within the meaning of Section  424(h) of the


      (c)  Mergers  and Other  Transactions.  In the case of and  subject to the
consummation of (i) the dissolution or liquidation of the Company, (ii) the sale
of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company on a consolidated basis
to  an  unrelated  person  or  entity,   (iii)  a  merger,   reorganization   or
consolidation  in which the  outstanding  shares of Stock are converted  into or
exchanged for a different  kind of  securities  of the successor  entity and the
holders of the  Company's  outstanding  voting power  immediately  prior to such
transaction  do not  own a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting  power  of the
successor entity  immediately upon completion of such  transaction,  or (iv) the
sale of all of the Stock of the  Company  to an  unrelated  person or entity (in
each case, a "Sale Event"),  all Options and other Awards shall be appropriately
adjusted in  accordance  with Section 3(b) and shall be assumed by the successor
entity  and shall  continue  to have the same  vesting  schedule,  except as the
Administrator  may otherwise  specify with respect to  particular  Awards in the
relevant Award  documentation  or otherwise in the  Administrator's  discretion.
Upon the effective time of the Sale Event,  the Plan and all outstanding  Awards
granted  hereunder shall terminate,  unless provision is made in connection with
the Sale Event in the sole  discretion of the parties thereto for the assumption
or continuation of Awards  theretofore  granted by the successor  entity, or the
substitution  of such Awards with new Awards of the  successor  entity or parent
thereof, with appropriate adjustment as to the number and kind of shares and, if
appropriate,  the per share exercise prices, as such parties shall agree. In the
event of such termination,  each grantee shall be permitted,  within a specified
period of time prior to the  consummation of the Sale Event as determined by the
Administrator,  to  exercise  all  outstanding  Options  held by  such  grantee,
including any such Options that may become  exercisable upon the consummation of
the Sale Event; provided,  however, that the exercise of Options not exercisable
prior to the Sale Event shall be subject to the consummation of the Sale Event.

      Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary in this  Section  3(c),  in the
event of a Sale Event pursuant to which holders of the Stock of the Company will
receive upon  consummation  thereof a cash payment for each share surrendered in
the Sale Event,  the Company shall have the right,  but not the  obligation,  to
make or provide for a cash payment to the grantees holding Options,  in exchange
for the cancellation  thereof,  in an amount equal to the difference between (A)
the value as determined by the  Administrator of the  consideration  payable per
share of Stock pursuant to the Sale Event (the "Sale Price") times the number of
shares of Stock subject to outstanding  Options (to the extent then  exercisable
at prices not in excess of the Sale Price) and (B) the aggregate  exercise price
of all such outstanding Options.

      (d) Substitute  Awards.  The Administrator may grant Awards under the U.S.
Plan in  substitution  for stock  and  stock  based  awards  held by  employees,
directors or other key persons of another  corporation  in  connection  with the
merger or  consolidation  of the  employing  corporation  with the  Company or a
Subsidiary  or the  acquisition  by the Company or a  Subsidiary  of property or
stock of the  employing  corporation.  The  Administrator  may  direct  that the
substitute  awards be granted on such terms and conditions as the  Administrator
considers appropriate in the circumstances.  Any substitute Awards granted under
the U.S. Plan shall not count against the share  limitation set forth in Section


      Grantees  under the U.S.  Plan will be such  U.S.-based  full or part-time
officers and other employees,  Non-Employee Directors and key persons (including
consultants  and prospective  employees) of the Company and its  Subsidiaries as
are selected from time to time by the Administrator in its sole discretion.



      Any Stock Option  granted under the U.S. Plan shall be in such form as the
Administrator may from time to time approve.

      Stock Options  granted under the U.S. Plan may be either  Incentive  Stock
Options or Non-Qualified  Stock Options.  Incentive Stock Options may be granted
only to  employees  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  that  is a  "subsidiary
corporation"  within the  meaning of Section  424(f) of the Code.  To the extent
that any Option  does not  qualify as an  Incentive  Stock  Option,  it shall be
deemed a Non-Qualified Stock Option.

      (a) Stock Options Granted to Employees and Key Persons.  The Administrator
in its discretion may grant Stock Options to eligible  employees and key persons
of the Company or any Subsidiary. Stock Options granted pursuant to this Section
5(a) shall be subject to the following  terms and  conditions  and shall contain
such additional  terms and conditions,  not  inconsistent  with the terms of the
U.S. Plan, as the  Administrator  shall deem desirable.  If the Administrator so
determines,  Stock  Options may be granted in lieu of cash  compensation  at the
optionee's  election,  subject to such terms and conditions as the Administrator
may establish.

            (i)  Exercise  Price.  The  exercise  price  per share for the Stock
covered  by a Stock  Option  granted  pursuant  to this  Section  5(a)  shall be
determined by the  Administrator at the time of grant but shall not be less than
100  percent of the Fair  Market  Value on the date of grant.  In the case of an
Incentive Stock Option that is granted to a Ten Percent Owner,  the option price
of such  Incentive  Stock  Option shall be not less than 110 percent of the Fair
Market Value on the grant date.

            (ii) Option  Term.  The term of each Stock  Option shall be fixed by
the Administrator,  but no Stock Option shall be exercisable more than ten years
after the date the Stock Option is granted.  In the case of an  Incentive  Stock
Option that is granted to a Ten  Percent  Owner,  the term of such Stock  Option
shall be no more than five years from the date of grant.

            (iii) Exercisability;  Rights of a Stockholder.  Stock Options shall
become  exercisable at such time or times,  whether or not in  installments,  as
shall be  determined  by the  Administrator  at or after  the  grant  date.  The
Administrator  may at  any  time  accelerate  the  exercisability  of all or any
portion of any Stock Option.  An optionee shall have the rights of a stockholder
only as to shares  acquired  upon the  exercise of a Stock  Option and not as to
unexercised Stock Options.

            (iv) Method of Exercise.  Stock Options may be exercised in whole or
in part, by giving  written  notice of exercise to the Company,  specifying  the
number of shares to be purchased.  Payment of the purchase  price may be made by
one or more of the following  methods to the extent provided in the Option Award

                  (A) In cash,  by certified  or bank check or other  instrument
      acceptable to the Administrator;


                  (B) Through the delivery (or  attestation to the ownership) of
      shares of Stock  that  have been  purchased  by the  optionee  on the open
      market or that are  beneficially  owned by the  optionee  and are not then
      subject to restrictions  under any Company plan. Such  surrendered  shares
      shall be valued at Fair Market Value on the exercise date; or

                  (C) By the  optionee  delivering  to the  Company  a  properly
      executed  exercise  notice  together with  irrevocable  instructions  to a
      broker to  promptly  deliver to the  Company  cash or a check  payable and
      acceptable  to the Company for the purchase  price;  provided  that in the
      event the optionee  chooses to pay the purchase price as so provided,  the
      optionee and the broker shall comply with such  procedures  and enter into
      such  agreements  of indemnity and other  agreements as the  Administrator
      shall prescribe as a condition of such payment procedure.

Payment instruments will be received subject to collection.  The transfer to the
optionee on the records of the  Company or the  transfer  agent of the shares of
Stock  to be  purchased  pursuant  to the  exercise  of a Stock  Option  will be
contingent upon receipt from the optionee (or a purchaser acting in his stead in
accordance  with the  provisions of the Stock Option) by the Company of the full
purchase  price for such shares and the  fulfillment  of any other  requirements
contained  in the  Option  Award  agreement  or  applicable  provisions  of laws
(including  the  satisfaction  of any  withholding  taxes  that the  Company  is
obligated to withhold  with respect to the  optionee).  In the event an optionee
chooses to pay the purchase  price by  previously-owned  shares of Stock through
the  attestation  method,  the  number  of shares  of Stock  transferred  to the
optionee  upon the  exercise of the Stock  Option  shall be net of the number of
shares attested to.

            (v) Annual Limit on Incentive Stock Options.  To the extent required
for  "incentive  stock  option"  treatment  under  Section 422 of the Code,  the
aggregate  Fair Market Value  (determined as of the time of grant) of the shares
of Stock with respect to which  Incentive  Stock Options granted under this U.S.
Plan and any other plan of the Company or its parent and subsidiary corporations
become  exercisable  for the first time by an optionee  during any calendar year
shall not exceed  $100,000.  To the extent that any Stock  Option  exceeds  this
limit, it shall constitute a Non-Qualified Stock Option.


      (a) Nature of  Restricted  Stock  Awards.  A Restricted  Stock Award is an
Award  entitling the recipient to acquire,  at such purchase price (which may be
zero) as  determined  by the  Administrator,  shares  of Stock  subject  to such
restrictions  and conditions as the  Administrator  may determine at the time of
grant ("Restricted Stock"). Conditions may be based on continuing employment (or
other service  relationship)  and/or achievement of pre-established  performance
goals and objectives. The grant of a Restricted Stock Award is contingent on the
grantee executing the Restricted Stock Award agreement. The terms and conditions
of each such agreement shall be determined by the Administrator,  and such terms
and conditions may differ among individual Awards and grantees.


      (b)  Rights as a  Stockholder.  Upon  execution  of a  written  instrument
setting forth the Restricted Stock Award and payment of any applicable  purchase
price,  a grantee  shall have the rights of a  stockholder  with  respect to the
voting of the  Restricted  Stock,  subject to such  conditions  contained in the
written   instrument   evidencing  the  Restricted   Stock  Award.   Unless  the
Administrator  shall otherwise  determine,  (i) uncertificated  Restricted Stock
shall be accompanied by a notation on the records of the Company or the transfer
agent to the effect that they are subject to  forfeiture  until such  Restricted
Stock are  vested as  provided  in Section  6(d)  below,  and (ii)  certificated
Restricted  Stock  shall  remain in the  possession  of the  Company  until such
Restricted  Stock is vested as provided in Section  6(d) below,  and the grantee
shall be required,  as a condition of the grant,  to deliver to the Company such
instruments of transfer as the Administrator may prescribe.

      (c) Restrictions. Restricted Stock may not be sold, assigned, transferred,
pledged or otherwise  encumbered or disposed of except as specifically  provided
herein or in the Restricted  Stock Award  agreement.  Except as may otherwise be
provided  by the  Administrator  either in the Award  agreement  or,  subject to
Section 10 below, in writing after the Award  agreement is issued,  if any, if a
grantee's  employment (or other service  relationship)  with the Company and its
Subsidiaries terminates for any reason, any Restricted Stock that has not vested
at the time of termination  shall  automatically  and without any requirement of
notice to such  grantee  from or other action by or on behalf of, the Company be
deemed to have been  reacquired  by the Company at its original  purchase  price
from such grantee or such grantee's  legal  representative  simultaneously  with
such termination of employment (or other service  relationship),  and thereafter
shall cease to represent  any  ownership of the Company by the grantee or rights
of the grantee as a shareholder. Following such deemed reacquisition of unvested
Restricted Stock that are represented by physical certificates,  a grantee shall
surrender such certificates to the Company upon request without consideration.

      (d) Vesting of Restricted  Stock.  The  Administrator at the time of grant
shall  specify  the date or  dates  and/or  the  attainment  of  pre-established
performance   goals,    objectives   and   other   conditions   on   which   the
non-transferability   of  the  Restricted  Stock  and  the  Company's  right  of
repurchase  or forfeiture  shall lapse.  Subsequent to such date or dates and/or
the attainment of such pre-established  performance goals,  objectives and other
conditions,  the shares on which all restrictions have lapsed shall no longer be
Restricted  Stock and  shall be deemed  "vested."  Except  as may  otherwise  be
provided  by the  Administrator  either in the Award  agreement  or,  subject to
Section 10 below,  in writing after the Award  agreement is issued,  a grantee's
rights  in  any  shares  of   Restricted   Stock  that  have  not  vested  shall
automatically  terminate upon the grantee's  termination of employment (or other
service  relationship)  with the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  and such shares
shall be subject to the provisions of Section 6(c) above.

SECTION 7. Transferability of Awards

      (a)  Transferability.  Except as provided in Section 7(b) below,  during a
grantee's lifetime,  his or her Awards shall be exercisable only by the grantee,
or by the  grantee's  legal  representative  or  guardian  in the  event  of the
grantee's  incapacity.  No  Awards  shall  be  sold,  assigned,  transferred  or
otherwise  encumbered  or disposed of by a grantee  other than by will or by the
laws of descent and  distribution.  No Awards  shall be subject,  in whole or in
part, to attachment,  execution, or levy of any kind, and any purported transfer
in violation hereof shall be null and void.


      (b) Committee Action. Notwithstanding Section 7(a), the Administrator,  in
its  discretion,  may provide  either in the Award  agreement  regarding a given
Award or by subsequent  written approval that the grantee (who is an employee or
director)  may  transfer  his or her  Awards  (other  than any  Incentive  Stock
Options) to his or her immediate  family  members,  to trusts for the benefit of
such family  members,  or to  partnerships  in which such family members are the
only partners,  provided that the transferee  agrees in writing with the Company
to be  bound  by all of the  terms  and  conditions  of this  U.S.  Plan and the
applicable Award.

      (c) Domestic Relations Orders.  Without limiting the generality of Section
7(a), and  notwithstanding  Section 7(b), no domestic relations order purporting
to authorize a transfer of an Award shall be recognized as valid,  except as the
Administration may otherwise determine.

      (d) Family  Member.  For purposes of Section 7(b),  "family  member" shall
mean a grantee's child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent,  grandparent,
spouse, former spouse,  sibling,  niece, nephew,  mother-in-law,  father-in-law,
son-in-law,   daughter-in-law,   brother-in-law,  or  sister-in-law,   including
adoptive relationships, any person sharing the grantee's household (other than a
tenant of the  grantee),  a trust in which these  persons (or the grantee)  have
more than fifty percent (50%) of the beneficial  interest, a foundation in which
these persons (or the grantee)  control the management of assets,  and any other
entity in which these persons (or the grantee) own more than fifty percent (50%)
of the voting interests.

      (e)  Designation  of  Beneficiary.  Each grantee to whom an Award has been
made  under the U.S.  Plan may  designate  a  beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  to
exercise  any Award or receive any payment  under any Award  payable on or after
the grantee's death.  Any such designation  shall be on a form provided for that
purpose by the  Administrator  and shall not be effective  until received by the
Administrator.  If no beneficiary has been designated by a deceased grantee,  or
if the designated  beneficiaries  have predeceased the grantee,  the beneficiary
shall be the grantee's estate.


      (a) Payment by Grantee.  Each grantee shall,  no later than the date as of
which the value of an Award or of any Stock or other amounts received thereunder
first becomes  includable in the gross income of the grantee for Federal  income
tax  purposes,  pay to the Company,  or make  arrangements  satisfactory  to the
Administrator  regarding  payment of, any Federal,  state, or local taxes of any
kind required by law to be withheld with respect to such income. The Company and
its Subsidiaries shall, to the extent permitted by law, have the right to deduct
any such taxes from any payment of any kind  otherwise  due to the grantee.  The
Company's  obligation to deliver evidence of book entry (or stock  certificates)
to any grantee is subject to and conditioned on tax obligations  being satisfied
by the grantee.

      (b) Payment in Stock. Subject to approval by the Administrator,  a grantee
may elect to have the minimum required tax withholding obligation satisfied,  in
whole or in part,  by (i)  authorizing  the Company to  withhold  from shares of
Stock to be issued  pursuant to any Award a number of shares  with an  aggregate
Fair  Market  Value (as of the date the  withholding  is  effected)  that  would
satisfy the withholding  amount due, or (ii)  transferring to the Company shares
of Stock owned by the grantee  with an  aggregate  Fair Market  Value (as of the
date the withholding is effected) that would satisfy the withholding amount due.



      For purposes of the U.S. Plan, the following  events shall not be deemed a
termination of employment:

      (a) a transfer to the  employment of the Company from a Subsidiary or from
the Company to a Subsidiary, or from one Subsidiary to another; or

      (b) an approved leave of absence for military service or sickness,  or for
any  other  purpose  approved  by  the  Company,  if  the  employee's  right  to
re-employment  is  guaranteed  either by a statute or by  contract  or under the
policy   pursuant  to  which  the  leave  of  absence  was  granted  or  if  the
Administrator otherwise so provides in writing.


      The Board may, at any time,  amend or  discontinue  the U.S.  Plan and the
Administrator  may, at any time,  amend or cancel any outstanding  Award for the
purpose of  satisfying  changes in law or for any other lawful  purpose,  but no
such action shall adversely  affect rights under any  outstanding  Award without
the holder's  consent.  Except as provided in Section 3(b) or 3(c),  in no event
may the  Administrator  exercise its  discretion to reduce the exercise price of
outstanding  Stock  Options  or  effect  repricing   through   cancellation  and
re-grants. Any material U.S. Plan amendments (other than amendments that curtail
the  scope of the  U.S.  Plan),  including  any U.S.  Plan  amendments  that (i)
increase the number of shares  reserved for issuance under the U.S.  Plan,  (ii)
expand the type of Awards available under,  materially expand the eligibility to
participate  in, or  materially  extend  the term of,  the U.S.  Plan,  or (iii)
materially change the method of determining Fair Market Value,  shall be subject
to  approval  by the  Company  stockholders  entitled  to vote at a  meeting  of
stockholders.  In addition,  to the extent determined by the Administrator to be
required by the Code to ensure that  Incentive  Stock Options  granted under the
U.S. Plan are  qualified  under  Section 422 of the Code,  U.S. Plan  amendments
shall be subject to approval by the Company  stockholders  entitled to vote at a
meeting  of   stockholders.   Nothing  in  this   Section  10  shall  limit  the
Administrator's authority to take any action permitted pursuant to Section 3(c).


      With respect to the portion of any Award that has not been  exercised  and
any payments in cash, Stock or other  consideration not received by a grantee, a
grantee  shall have no rights  greater  than those of a general  creditor of the
Company  unless  the  Administrator   shall  otherwise  expressly  determine  in
connection with any Award or Awards.  In its sole discretion,  the Administrator
may authorize the creation of trusts or other arrangements to meet the Company's
obligations to deliver Stock or make payments with respect to Awards  hereunder,
provided that the existence of such trusts or other  arrangements  is consistent
with the foregoing sentence.



      (a) No Distribution; Compliance with Legal Requirements. The Administrator
may require each person acquiring Stock pursuant to an Award to represent to and
agree with the  Company  in writing  that such  person is  acquiring  the shares
without a view to distribution thereof.

      No  shares  of Stock  shall be  issued  pursuant  to an  Award  until  all
applicable  securities  law and  other  legal  and  stock  exchange  or  similar
requirements  have been satisfied.  The Administrator may require the placing of
such stop-orders and restrictive legends on certificates for Stock and Awards as
it deems appropriate.

      Each  grantee  shall  acknowledge  that the  grantee's  rights to sell any
shares of Stock may be  subject  to  certain  limitations  (including  a lock-up
period), as may be requested by the Company or its underwriters, and the grantee
shall unconditionally agree and accept any such limitations.

      (b) Delivery of Stock  Certificates.  Stock certificates to grantees under
this U.S. Plan shall be deemed  delivered for all purposes when the Company or a
stock transfer agent of the Company shall have mailed such  certificates  in the
United  States  mail,  addressed  to the grantee,  at the  grantee's  last known
address on file with the Company. Uncertificated Stock shall be deemed delivered
for all purposes when the Company or a Stock transfer agent of the Company shall
have given to the  grantee by  electronic  mail (with  proof of  receipt)  or by
United  States  mail,  addressed  to the grantee,  at the  grantee's  last known
address on file with the  Company,  notice of issuance and recorded the issuance
in its records (which may include electronic "book entry" records).

      (c)  Other  Compensation  Arrangements;   No  Employment  Rights.  Nothing
contained  in this U.S.  Plan shall  prevent  the Board from  adopting  other or
additional  compensation  arrangements,  including trusts, and such arrangements
may be either  generally  applicable or applicable only in specific  cases.  The
adoption  of this  U.S.  Plan and the grant of  Awards  do not  confer  upon any
employee any right to continued employment with the Company or any Subsidiary.

      (d) Trading Policy  Restrictions.  Option exercises and other Awards under
the U.S.  Plan shall be subject to such  Company's  insider  trading  policy and
procedures, as in effect from time to time.

      (e)  Forfeiture  of Awards  under  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act.  If the Company is
required to prepare an accounting  restatement due to the material noncompliance
of the  Company,  as a  result  of  misconduct,  with  any  financial  reporting
requirement  under the  securities  laws,  then any grantee,  that is one of the
individuals   subject  to  automatic   forfeiture   under  Section  304  of  the
Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002,  shall  reimburse the Company for the amount of any
Award received by such individual under the U.S. Plan during the 12-month period
following the first public issuance or filing with the United States  Securities
and Exchange Commission, as the case may be, of the financial document embodying
such financial reporting requirement.


      (f) Compliance with Section 409A. To the extent an Award is subject to the
requirements  of Section 409A,  then the applicable  agreement  evidencing  such
Award and the Plan shall be construed and administered in a manner such that the
Award  complies  with Section  409A,  and the Committee may revise the agreement
evidencing  such  Award  and/or  the U.S.  Plan so that such  Award  shall be in
compliance with Section 409A.  Additionally,  to the extent any Award is subject
to Section 409A,  notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, the U.S.
Plan shall not permit the  acceleration  of, or changes in, the time or schedule
of any distribution  related to such Award, except to the extent consistent with
the requirements of Section 409A.


      This U.S.  Plan shall become  effective  upon approval by the holders of a
majority  of the votes  cast at a meeting of  stockholders  at which a quorum is
present.  Subject to such approval by the  stockholders  and to the  requirement
that no Stock may be issued hereunder prior to such approval,  Stock Options and
other Awards may be granted  hereunder on and after adoption of this Plan by the
Board.  No grants of Stock Options and other Awards may be made hereunder  after
the tenth (10th)  anniversary  of the Effective  Date and no grants of Incentive
Stock Options may be made  hereunder  after the tenth (10th)  anniversary of the
date the Plan is approved by the Board.


      This U.S.  Plan and all  Awards  and  actions  taken  thereunder  shall be
governed  by,  and  construed  in  accordance  with,  the  laws of the  State of
Washington, applied without regard to conflict of law principles.

DATE APPROVED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS:            February 24, 2005

