Fort Worth, TX – Whether a person faces an arrest, criminal charges, or law enforcement investigations, they find it hard to protect themselves or defend their interests. While choosing an attorney is hard, The Medlin Law Firm's Fort Worth criminal lawyer exclusively focuses on criminal defense. The firm comprises a team of qualified attorneys with 96 years of combined legal experience helping many clients navigate criminal law in Tarrant County and throughout Texas. They understand the sensitivity of a criminal charge and leverage their in-depth experience, skills, and knowledge of the system to guide clients through the process of resolving their legal matters.
“We know what you are going through and that you might be scared, confused, and unsure of your rights or what to do next. A skilled and compassionate criminal lawyer could consult with you to determine your case objectives, analyze every detail of your case, and work to build a solid legal strategy that aligns with your wishes and goals.” – Company Representative.

Getting charged with a DWI impacts a person’s life. In addition to dealing with the court dates/legal processes, they can lose their licenses, face jail/prison time, pay hefty fines, or ruin their reputations. Working with The Medlin Law Firm Fort Worth DWI Lawyer alleviates many of an individual’s concerns and worries during plea negotiations or trials. Besides offering extensive support, they challenge BAC results, examine license suspension requests, create defenses for intoxication manslaughter, and question legal documents and police records. They also review the evidence of the prosecution, conduct investigations, and gather independent evidence and witnesses.
Although most people take assault as a minor offense, Texas has broad laws with diverse punishments. Individuals facing simple assault, aggravated assault, misdemeanor assault, domestic violence, or felony assault must seek the services of a criminal defense lawyer to identify the evidence, facts, and possible weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. Factors may show that a person didn’t intend to cause bodily injury, the victim had no ground for believing the threat, or the accused was unaware that their actions would be offensive or provocative.
There are many colleges and universities in the Fort Worth area, with thousands of students oblivious to their legal rights whether or not they face a criminal or academic charge. Students convicted of crimes could undermine their futures, violate codes of conduct, or risk suspension/expulsion. With this in mind, the Fort Worth criminal defense lawyer protects students accused of underage possession/consumption of alcohol, driving while intoxicated, purchasing/providing alcohol to minors, possession of illegal drugs, petty theft, battery, or reckless driving. The Medlin Law Firm represents individuals accused of drug crimes, airport crimes, probation violations, solicitation, fraud, failure to appear, and many more.
Gary Medlin, Esq., the managing attorney, served as an assistant district attorney for years before becoming a criminal defense lawyer. Today, his experience gives him deep insight into how prosecutors prepare cases, their priorities, and pressure points to find a resourceful defense. The Medlin Law Firm is located at 1300 S University Dr #318, Fort Worth, TX, 76107, US. To learn more about the law firm, call (682) 204-4066 or visit their website to request an evaluation.
Media Contact

Company Name
The Medlin Law Firm
Contact Name
Gary Medlin
(682) 204-4066
1300 S University Dr #318
Fort Worth
Postal Code
United States