Epicuren Discovery has always strived to provide its customers with products that are truly helpful for their skin and their lifestyle while seeking to do the right thing in all they source and produce to make their products as high-quality as possible. That’s why being certified as cruelty-free skincare products (Leaping Bunny-approved) means so much; it shows that as the company grows and reaches new lives, they’re staying true to their deepest philosophy of doing no harm while reducing their negative impact on the environment.
The Leaping Bunny Logo
These days, people are familiar with the leaping bunny or a variant of this design in its intention to mean that a given product did not follow certain unsavory practices to obtain their formula or specific ingredients. But until 1996, these claims and logos meant very different things, so the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) was formed by eight animal protection groups to standardize the practice of marketing a product as “cruelty-free.” Their criteria includes:
- Eliminating certain experimentation procedures
- Ending cosmetic testing on animals
- Lobbying for change in national policy
- Increasing awareness about animal cruelty and abuse in all industries
Why Marketing Matters
As recently as 2017, up to a third of US consumers said they would stop using a preferred brand if it was discovered it had been tested on animals. As more and more people become aware of the tricky marketing practices that don’t reveal everything about a formula’s ingredient list, consumers are more and more skeptical of non-certified symbols that aren’t the Leaping Bunny. This incentivizes companies to find new ways to avoid harming animals in the formulation or manufacturing of their products, because the market for non-cruelty-free products is shrinking.
Why Cruelty-Free Matters
This designation of cruelty-free is only offered to companies who complete a lengthy set of standards that restrict them from causing harm anywhere along the production process of a product. It eliminates the ambiguity that existed prior to the formation of the CCIC, even while imposters still line store shelves with copycat logos that don’t carry the same commitment to animal kindness.
Not All Bunnies Are The Leaping Bunny
Although the CCIC is committed to increasing awareness of the duplicity of many brands and products, there’s still no legal definition for phrases like “cruelty-free” at the federal level (terms which are defined by the FDA). This leaves the decision up to consumers whether they trust one logo over another to truly align to their values when it comes to animal testing, creating confusion in the beauty aisle.
What Epicuren wants their customers to know is that on every product they buy, they’ll see either the CCIC’s Leaping Bunny logo or a PETA certification that provides the highest level of credibility that their favorite skincare products are not tested on animals. Whether customers ultimately decide to shop with Epicuren or another manufacturer, it’s important to take the time to find out just which bunny is leaping across their product bottles.
Media Contact

Company Name
Epicuren Discovery
Contact Name
Ryan Rogers
31 Journey
Aliso Viejo
Postal Code
United States