Charleston, SC, March 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A memoir just hit the market for the dreamer, contrarian, life-on-the-fringe individual that blends nuanced emotion with eclectic themes. Welcome to author Sam Williams mind in his debut memoir, Today is Forever: Humanity in a Fractured Mirror.
“For the most part it deals with the individual spirit stuck in the doldrums of humanity,” explained Williams. “It’s about a pure soul trying to escape a droning world that’s trying to smother them.”
In Today is Forever, readers will walk through Williams' life in a series of esoteric, absurd, autobiographical stories from his earliest memories to the present. The interconnected vignettes create a single narrative spanning a lifetime of one man living on the outskirts. It delves into abstract concepts and Williams’ influences while acting as a homing beacon for any person who is constantly confronted by unusual and untamed feelings but never had the voice to describe them.
“[This book is for] the kind who would have lounged about in the Factory during Warhol’s heyday. The kind of people who go to midnight showings of David Lynch films. The type of people who never fit in anywhere. Outsiders beyond the outsiders; true misfits.”
Today is Forever: Humanity in a Fractured Mirror is available for purchase online at and Barnes and For more information about the author, please visit any of his social media platforms
YouTube: GreatBigCircleProductions
Instagram: Great_Big_Circle_Productions
About the Author:
Sam Williams, born in the heart of suburban uniformity, was nurtured by a family that cherished uniqueness. His explorative spirit led him across diverse landscapes, gathering tales and insights from myriad souls. An emblem of fierce individuality, Sam's writings, especially in Today is Forever, rebel against the mundane. With each word, he invites readers into his world, a tapestry of defiance and authenticity, urging all to find and celebrate their own distinct voice.
Media Contact: Sam Williams,
Available for interviews: Author, Sam Williams

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing