MSK Doctors in London is now accepting near-immediate bookings for new patients, and allowing individuals to schedule their own appointments with no GP referral for the new Bikini hip replacement surgery, which has been shown to reduce recovery times.

-- A new total hip replacement (THR) procedure, known as the Bikini surgery, helps patients to recover faster and with less risk of dislocations. MSK Doctors in London is offering near-immediate appointments to self-booking patients for consultation, diagnosis, or treatment with the new Bikini procedure.
More information about the MSK Doctors self-booking option, the Bikini total hip replacement surgery, and details about recovery times can be found at
While hip replacements are not new, this recent innovative surgical option uses a unique minimally invasive approach that helps to reduce surgical trauma, speeds up patient recovery, and minimises the risk of developing a limp. The Bikini technique is also the only hip replacement surgery that hides the resulting scar in the patient’s “bikini line,” where it is likely to go unnoticed.
Using a Direct Anterior Approach (DAA), the surgical team can perform a complete hip replacement while preventing damage to important muscles, blood vessels, and nerves surrounding the area. As a result, most patients can practise standing and walking with crutches almost immediately after their surgery, and can return home the day after.
This minimally invasive technique reduces blood loss and leaves the hip joint more supported than a traditional hip replacement, which helps patients to recover faster and return to their regular activities sooner. In clinical trials, the Bikini technique was also shown to reduce the risks of developing a limp or having a dislocation during the recovery process.
Although the Bikini technique does offer several important benefits, researchers have noted that it provides the best results when performed by a surgical team specifically trained and experienced in this procedure. Research suggests that experienced Bikini surgeons have better results in terms of reducing complications, and when hiding the initial incision to prevent visible scarring.
A spokesperson for the clinic explains, “Studies have shown that patients who undergo Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) using the DAA may experience less postoperative pain, have shorter hospital stays, and achieve better early outcomes in terms of pain relief and functional recovery. This can be attributed to the preservation of important muscles and soft tissues during the surgery, leading to improved stability and reduced muscle damage.”
Further details about the Bikini hip replacement technique, other advanced surgical options, and self-booking appointments with MSK Doctors' specialists can be found at
Contact Info:
Name: Bethan Lee
Email: Send Email
Organization: MSK Doctors
Address: MSK House London Road Silk Willoughby, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, Sleaford, England NG34 8NY, United Kingdom
Source: PressCable
Release ID: 89150703
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