One of the oldest and most trusted personal injury law firms in Las Vegas is encouraging motorists to drive more cautiously given the risks from summer driving patterns and high DUI rates in Vegas.
(PRUnderground) August 2nd, 2023

Despite better visibility and dry roads, the 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day see the greatest number of fatal car crashes. This risk only adds to existing road safety challenges in Las Vegas, which has been ranked number one for U.S. cities with the most DUIs. In light of these dangers, Tingey Injury Law Firm is urging Vegas residents to drive with increased caution.
Summer driving risks are heightened by teens and young adults being out of school. The American Automobile Association (AAA) reports teens are four times more likely to cause car accidents than adults due to their inexperience, distracted driving, and experimentation with alcohol. Another summer-related risk factor is the high traffic volume on roads as people travel for vacations or enjoy their city’s summer hot spots.
Vegas’ summer driving challenges are heightened by the high number of drunk drivers on the city’s roads. Las Vegas has been ranked as the U.S. city with the most DUIs, according to data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program and the U.S. Census Bureau.
“Summer is a popular time to visit Vegas, but residents and visitors alike need to remember to drive defensively,” said Dean Tingey, a Tingey Injury Law Firm traffic accident attorney. “We’ve seen too many families deal with the devastating effects of drunk driving accidents in Las Vegas, and we wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”
The firm is urging people to take precautions like:
- Putting phones away
- Taking breaks while traveling
- Leaving plenty of space between vehicles
- Obeying all traffic rules (especially stopping at red lights rather than trying to rush through as the light is turning)
- Arranging for a designated driver or ride share if they plan to drink
The car accident attorneys at Tingey Injury Law Firm have advocated for victims for over 50 years. Its website provides driving safety information and accident avoidance tips (for cars, truckers, pedestrians, bikers, etc.).
For more information on the firm’s safe driving advocacy or its services representing car accident victims, visit or call (702) 333-0000.
About Tingey Injury Law Firm
Tingey Injury Law Firm aims to provide the highest quality legal representation and counsel for those affected by personal injuries in Las Vegas. Cases include auto accident, wrongful death, work injury, personal injury (such as a slip and fall, or trip and fall), or dog bite. Their attorneys maintain a reputation for thoroughness and preparedness that is recognized in the local community.
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Original Press Release.