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Legal Intake Services

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Our virtual legal receptionists are experts in legal intake

Total client satisfaction is something we take seriously. Our legal receptionists are available 24/7 and specifically trained to handle the unique challenges that legal matters can present.


Legal inbound services

Handling leads and other “inbound” requirements is one of the best places to outsource. It not only frees up your time for billable work, but ensures a streamlined process for engaging with potential new clients.


Personalized firm scripts

Legal Intake requires a highly specialized kind of professional. We’ll work with you to create the right scripts that reflect the ethos and tone of your firm. We can even sort, record, and forward calls for you.


Eliminate hassle, reduce stress

We are so much more than an answering service. Think of us as a legal triage center, helping you prioritize client calls while scheduling appointments, confirming details via outbound phone calls, and more.


Dedicated support

We’re in this together. Our transparent support structure ensures full accountability, with quick access to your dedicated account manager, 24/7/365. We’ll be there for you, whenever you need us.


Say hello to your new legal receptionist

No matter the size of your firm, Go Answer gives you the freedom to grow.

Legal intake services for law firms

From empowering individual lawyers to processing legal intake for mass tort lawyers & class action lawsuits, Go Answer can do it all.

Mass tort & class action Outsource your intake Retainer services Virtual legal receptionists

Tort intake process: We help mass tort firms create an intake procedure that is efficient and effective, with the ability to quickly gather information from potential clients and assess their cases.


Case screening: Let us assess the suitability of potential clients through a variety of criteria, such as financial status, relationship with the firm, potential conflicts of interest and other relevant details about the case.


Case management: Torts can involve thousands of clients, and our dashboard allows you to view client details and review past calls with ease.

We integrate with the technology your firm relies on

Go Answer seamlessly plugs into the tools you already use.

Real people only.
Robots not allowed.

Warm & friendly voices

At Go Answer, we understand the value of real conversations with real people. Your clients can always count on having a friendly conversation with a real life human being. While we always use the latest technology, we never use AI for our virtual receptionists or web chat services.

Expertly trained

Go Answer’s contact center staff provide knowledgeable service and exemplary support. Our virtual legal receptionists are expertly trained to facilitate legal intake processes, from qualifying leads and scheduling appointments, to reaching out via outbound calls to verify details.


Call and talk to a live virtual receptionist

Hear why 3,000+ companies choose GoAnswer.


Case closed: Go Answer saves your firm money

Every missed call has the potential to lead to a lost client – and hiring full-time receptionists is simply not affordable. Go Answer’s legal intake services provide your law firm with a cost-effective alternative.


Streamline legal intake

Our professionally trained staff can handle every aspect of the legal intake process, from first contact to qualifying and assessing clients for specific lawyers within your firm.

Improve client retention

By automating your law firm’s answering service and live chat functions, you can ensure that every client receives the attention they deserve.

Extend your firm

Sure, we can answer calls and schedule appointments, but we can also work with you to handle a wide range of client requests, whether it’s online or over the phone.


Provide true 24/7/365 support

Our legal virtual receptionists staff ensures your firm is available to leads and clients whenever they need help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Try us today. 30 days, risk-free.

Thousands of law firms rely on Go Answer to speak to their customers.

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Have more questions? Call us at 888-462-6793

We don’t like talking about ourselves

But we don’t mind if our customers do.




We’re here to help law firms, large and small

  • Individual lawyers Our virtual legal receptionist service allows one lawyer to have the power of an entire law office. Let us handle phone calls, schedule appointments, and deal with the legal intake process while you focus on practicing law.

  • Any size law firm We provide small to large size firms with the tools to handle large call volume on demand, to follow up with leads via phone or web chat, and to integrate call data into your current workflow.

  • Mass tort & class action We understand the complex nature of mass tort and class action lawsuits. We provide tailored tools for managing case intake and client data, allowing you to focus on what matters most: getting justice for your clients.

The verdict: Amazing service at an unbeatable price

If there’s one thing we’re guilty of, it’s providing exceptional customer service.


Full time, or just some of the time

Our customized support packages allow you to have a legal intake specialist ready to receive a call or chat message whenever you need us. We work for you when you want us to.

No contracts, no hidden fees

Being locked into a contract is awesome – said no one, ever. That’s why we offer flexible month-to-month plans that scale up or scale down – whatever your law firm needs.

Transparency is key

We want you to see exactly what we see. Get access to your account’s real-time activity, usage, and other data via our mobile app or through our online portal.

Say goodbye to language barriers

English or Spanish, it doesn’t matter! Our agents can speak both, effortlessly switching between the two when the need arises.

Dynamic software integration

Go Answer is designed to fit into your firm’s existing workflow. If you need us to connect with a technology you don’t see listed on our integrations page, just ask! We are happy to make it work.

We handle the calls when you’re out of the office

Maximize the potential to reach a global audience by keeping your doors open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 a year. Any size firm, any budget, we’ve got you covered.


We proudly support these organizations:


Frequently Asked Questions


Try us today. 30 days, risk-free.

Sign up today and receive 200 minutes free. No contracts. No hidden fees.

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Have more questions? Call us at 888-462-6793

Legal intake process 101: Understanding the basics

The legal intake process is an essential part of any law firm’s operations. It involves gathering information from clients or potential clients in order to assess whether or not their case is viable and to determine what the next steps should be. In this article, we will discuss what legal intake is, the steps involved in the process, why law firms outsource their legal intake, the benefits of outsourcing, the types of processes that can be outsourced, and the types of law firms that can benefit from legal intake.

What is legal intake?

Legal intake is the process of gathering information from a client or potential client to determine whether or not their case is viable and to assess what the next steps should be. This process typically takes place during an initial consultation between the client and an attorney or paralegal. During the consultation, the attorney or paralegal will ask the client questions about their case, including the circumstances surrounding the incident, the injuries sustained (if any), and any other relevant information.

The purpose of the legal intake process is to gather as much information as possible about the case so that the attorney or paralegal can make an informed decision about whether or not to take on the case. If the case is deemed viable, the attorney or paralegal will then begin the process of representing the client.


Steps of the legal intake process

The legal intake process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Contact: The first step in the legal intake process is for the client to contact the law firm. This can be done through various means, including by phone, email, or in-person.
  2. Screening: Once the law firm receives the initial contact from the client, the case will be screened to determine whether or not it meets the firm’s criteria for taking on cases. This may involve gathering some basic information from the client, such as their name and contact information, and asking some initial questions about their case.
  3. Appointment Setting: If the case meets the firm’s criteria for taking on cases, an appointment will be scheduled for the client to meet with an attorney or paralegal.
  4. Consultation: During the consultation, the attorney or paralegal will ask the client questions about their case and gather as much information as possible. They will also provide the client with information about the legal process and what to expect.
  5. Decision Making: After the consultation, the attorney or paralegal will review the information gathered during the intake process and make a decision about whether or not to take on the case.

What are the costs of client intake for law firms?

The costs associated with the legal intake process can be significant, and they can be both obvious and hidden. The obvious costs are those that are directly associated with the legal intake process, such as the cost of hiring a virtual receptionist service or the cost of software and tools used to manage the intake process.

However, there are also hidden costs associated with the legal intake process, which can be just as significant. One of the main hidden costs is the time spent by attorneys or paralegals on non-billable hours associated with the intake process. This can include time spent answering phone calls, responding to emails or online inquiries, and reviewing intake forms or questionnaires.

While it may seem like these tasks are relatively simple and straightforward, they can quickly add up and take away from billable hours that could be spent on other, more lucrative tasks. This can result in lost revenue for the law firm, as well as increased stress and burnout for attorneys and paralegals.

In addition to the hidden costs associated with non-billable hours, there are also other costs to consider when outsourcing legal intake to a virtual receptionist service. These can include setup costs, such as the cost of integrating the virtual receptionist service with the law firm’s existing software and tools, as well as ongoing costs, such as monthly fees for the virtual receptionist service.

It is important for law firms to carefully consider the costs associated with the legal intake process before outsourcing to a virtual receptionist service. While outsourcing can help to improve efficiency and reduce administrative tasks, it is important to ensure that the costs associated with outsourcing do not outweigh the benefits.

Ultimately, the decision to outsource legal intake will depend on the unique needs and resources of each individual law firm. By carefully considering the costs and benefits of outsourcing, law firms can make informed decisions that will help them to improve their efficiency and provide better service to their clients.

Why law firms outsource legal intake

Many law firms choose to outsource their legal intake process for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons is to save time and resources. By outsourcing the legal intake process, law firms can focus their resources on other areas of their operations, such as legal research and client representation.

Another reason why law firms may choose to outsource their legal intake process is to improve their efficiency and accuracy. Outsourcing companies specialize in legal intake and have the expertise and technology to ensure that the process is done quickly and accurately.


The benefits of outsourcing your legal intake process

Some of the benefits of outsourcing legal intake include:

  1. Improved Efficiency: By outsourcing legal intake, law firms can improve their efficiency and productivity by focusing on other areas of their operations.
  2. Reduced Costs: Outsourcing legal intake can be a cost-effective solution for law firms, as they do not have to hire additional staff or invest in new technology.
  3. Increased Accuracy: Outsourcing companies have the expertise and technology to ensure that the legal intake process is done quickly and accurately.

How to outsource your legal intake

The legal intake process can be time-consuming, especially for law firms that receive a high volume of cases. This is why many law firms are turning to virtual receptionist services to expedite their legal intake process and improve their efficiency.

Virtual receptionists are trained professionals who can handle all aspects of the legal intake process, from answering phone calls to scheduling appointments with attorneys or paralegals. Here are some of the types of services that law firms can use to expedite their legal intake process:

  • Telephone Intake: Telephone intake is one of the most popular services that law firms use to expedite their legal intake process. A virtual receptionist can answer phone calls from potential clients, gather information about their case, and schedule appointments with attorneys or paralegals. By outsourcing their telephone intake process, law firms can ensure that they never miss a call and that potential clients are always able to speak with a live person.
  • Online Intake: Another popular service that law firms use to expedite their legal intake process is online intake. A virtual receptionist can use an online form or questionnaire to gather information from potential clients, which can then be reviewed by attorneys or paralegals. This can help to streamline the intake process and reduce the amount of time that attorneys or paralegals need to spend on administrative tasks.
  • Chat Intake: Chat intake is a newer service that is becoming increasingly popular among law firms. A virtual receptionist can use a chatbot or live chat feature on the law firm’s website to gather information from potential clients and schedule appointments with attorneys or paralegals. Chat intake can be particularly useful for law firms that receive a high volume of online inquiries, as it can help to ensure that potential clients are always able to speak with a live person.
  • Mail Intake: While mail intake may seem outdated, it is still a common way that potential clients reach out to law firms. A virtual receptionist can receive and review letters and other documents from potential clients, and schedule appointments with attorneys or paralegals. By outsourcing their mail intake process, law firms can ensure that potential clients receive a prompt response to their inquiries.
  • Video Intake: Video intake involves conducting initial consultations with potential clients over video conferencing software, such as Zoom or Skype. A virtual receptionist can schedule video intake appointments with attorneys or paralegals, and provide technical support to ensure that the video conference runs smoothly. Video intake can be particularly useful for law firms that have clients who are unable to attend an in-person meeting.

Types of law firms that can benefit from using a legal intake service

Any type of law firm can benefit from a legal intake service, including solo practitioners, small and mid-sized firms, and large firms. Legal intake is particularly useful for firms that handle a high volume of cases, as it can help to streamline the intake process and improve efficiency. Additionally, legal intake services can help to ensure that potential clients are always able to speak with a live person, which can improve customer satisfaction.

Ultimately, outsourcing your legal intake process can be a great way to expedite the intake process and improve your firm’s efficiency. A virtual receptionist can handle all aspects of the legal intake process, from answering phone calls to scheduling appointments with attorneys or paralegals. By outsourcing your legal intake process, you can ensure that potential clients receive a prompt response and that the intake process is always handled in a professional manner.

Legal intake vs. tort law intake

It is important to differentiate between legal intake and tort law intake. While legal intake is the process of gathering information from a client or potential client to determine whether or not their case is viable, tort law intake specifically refers to the intake process for personal injury cases.

The tort law intake process may involve additional steps, such as gathering medical records and information about the extent of the client’s injuries. However, the overall purpose of the tort law intake process is the same as the legal intake process – to gather as much information as possible about the case so that the attorney or paralegal can make an informed decision about whether or not to take on the case.

Why choose Go Answer to handle your legal intake services?

The legal intake process is an essential part of any law firm’s operations. It involves gathering information from clients or potential clients to determine whether or not their case is viable and to assess what the next steps should be. Law firms can choose to outsource their legal intake process to improve their efficiency and accuracy, and to save time and resources. By understanding the steps involved in the legal intake process, law firms can ensure that they are providing the best possible service to their clients and making informed decisions about the cases they take on.

Go Answer has been providing virtual receptionist services for over 30 years, and we have a team of highly trained professionals who are available 24/7 to handle all aspects of the legal intake process.

Go Answer offers a variety of services to help law firms expedite their legal intake process, including telephone intake, online intake, and chat intake. We also provide customized scripting, so that our virtual receptionists are able to handle inquiries specific to your law firm’s practice areas.

In addition to our legal intake services, Go Answer also offers appointment scheduling, call routing, and message-taking services, all of which can help law firms improve their efficiency and provide better service to their clients.

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